Live Weather Does Not Match

This happend to CptCanada yesterday and also to FlightDeck2Sim, links to the the stream where they realize about it. Notice the 225° 3 kts winds.

I’m surprised how this happened to two major streamers with a cominbed audience of 2k peope and 100k followers and still the issue is not at the known issues list nor the top issues tracker list.


Because people don’t care about that stuff, they only care about ZOMG GRAPHICS!!


Weather, specifically Winds Aloft in Europe works. It doens’t in N.America or Australia. It is important for everyone to realize where it doesn’t and where it does. File Bugs in these 2 categories, otherwise, you will get the same answers again and again…

  1. Winds Aloft as a Category in Zendesk.
  2. METAR as a category (Although they have already said in Q&A that their’s is a predicted model vs. actual METAR).

Thank you so much for sharing these links! Hopefully this creates the sort of exposure this issue needs! I submitted a zendesk report and just got some bogus answer about adding to their “backlog” because weather reports are sometimes delayed.

Im like no, the winds are always stuck! Thats totally different. Lol. This bug is legit the one surprise ive encountered so far!

Is the live weather time supposed to be the current time at my location? It never matches. Do I have to set it each time I play?

It doesn’t work in Asia either. I flown from Tokyo to Paris, and I only started getting some different winds when I got close to Paris.

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The Russian Far East and China also affected by the 3knot wind bug.

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225 @ 3 in all winds aloft in the US. A friend was flying into the eye of a hurricane and guess what? 225 @ 3, lol at those hurricane winds!


Yep, always 3 kts and doesn’t ever match the ATIS. Altimeter readings consistently about 0.10 in mercury off.

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This is the part that disturbs me! It literally only works in Europe. Being Asobo and Meteoblue are European, it truly makes me questions just how “global” their data sources are. I mean did they never try flying outside of their home area in testing? Or do they just not have the resources? Do they not care? Is it intentional? Is europe just their test run with functionality being added later? We need an answer, and not the stock zendesk response that “Weather data may be delayed so just be patient with it please” spiel lol. Its not even like the number varies for anyone. Its legit always 225@3 :joy:. Thats broken!


It doesnt work at all in Europe, at least not most of the time. The ground metars are wrong and the upper wind levels are wrong as well. It’s a huge disappointment. I purchased this sim mostly because of its fantastic weather-model they advertised, the scenery is less important for me. What a fail!


I guess we need to give them a chance to fix it. Let’s see what the upcoming update will bring.

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I noticed that even when the wheather seems to be correct, the ATIS reports are not.
Which is quite baffeling considering that you can find the correct METAR reports on Meteoblue.
And Meteoblue is where the sim gets its weather from.

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This is not even at Known Issues list. That tells me it’s not going to be fixed soon, as it’s obviously a priority to fix installation issues.

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No worries they will fix it for those with installation issues and after they will install they will join to open more if these issues LOL

Also having the wind issue seems it’s always 225@3kts.

Maybe more of us need to do this?

Maybe. And that wind difference isn’t horrible… possibly even expected based on when the forecast time was. But the OAT is way off…

Someone could show how messed up it is by going to the locations with the biggest variance from 225@3 knots in the US. I see KMSP has 350 @ 25 knots at 9000 ft. I’ll go there and do another screenshot set.

Yep, proven live weather does nothing in the US.