Live weather fails to save properly after restarting the game

This was listed as a known issue in Update 5 release notes. That was the update that broke this feature. I really thought since it was a known issue that it would have been fixed in Update 6.

But here we are at Update 7, and it’s still an issue. Is this ever going to be fixed? It’s not critical, but it’s an annoyance for sure. And it wasn’t broken before Update 5.

The weather ups and downs continue. I did notice that after this last patch, the sim now remembers the “live weather” option and keeps it…you no longer have to select live weather before every flight…finally. BUT, I have noticed that the depicted weather is either not accurate, or it does not load at all in some instances. It’s hit or miss. Sometimes you have to restart the sim for the weather engine to kind of resent and work, and sometimes you have to fiddle. Getting there but no cigar.

Still doesn’t save it for me and hasn’t since Update 5. If I don’t go in and manually pick Live Weather, I get rain. Every single time without exception.

I’ve had this problem since day one. It’s so disappointing. Who has time to complete every flight in one sitting? That’s the only realistic way around this.

There are so many other random issues with saved games as well, not least of which is the incorrect altitude. I just tired restarting a saved flight only to find myself at rooftop level, instead of the 13000ft I was at before! In the past I’ve loaded saves to find myself in the sea, or on the ground in a field.

Can’t bleieve this still persists after well over a year.

Complete shambles. A very expensive, unplayable shambles.

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