Live World Events maybe?

Im curious in more of the details for 2024. Judging from the trailer, one thing im hoping the game will do is to update the world map with certain live events as they happen. One thing I like to do currently is whenever a bad storm or hurricane/typhoon is currently happening, I might jump on FS just to check it out.

Probably wishful thinking but it would be cool if MSFS24 will update with some live world events as theyre happening like wildfires, volcanic eruptions, floods in vunerable areas along coastlines when hurricanes hit, potential for tornados in flat lands when bad storms hit. Live events paired with the career aspect seen in the trailer would add a whole new dimension to the sim.

Like I said, probably wishful thinking. And I know i didnt see volcanic eruptions in the trailer, IF its even in the game, but would be â– â– â– â–  cool to hear of an eruption currently happening then jump on the sim to find a nice big plume of smoke coming from that mountain on the map


Fires are definitely possible. Lorby Firefighter addon for FSX already took real data from wildfire web services to recreate both the position, size and intensity of real life fires and placed the scripted assests and FX effects in game in accordance. One of the good points about Lorby´s implementation was that manually placed fires still propagated according to ground materials type, so for instance asphalt or water were not propagating them while grass was less likely to propagate fire than forests. HPG H145 also has a live fire data service included in their missions and 747 tanker would do the same I guess (I don´t own it).

If there are also some kind of online data available for other events that could be brought to game as well following similar principles, at least in the areas covered by those services as some of them are not always worldwide. I´m also aware of services like road accidents information existing for some countries. Those could be also used for rescue missions. I mean the possibilities to make live events is there but if they stick to the missions scope only that wouldn´t happen and we would need to expect third parties to do it as an alternative option in that case. We need to wait and see what they bring.

Let´s see if that is not against any pink unicorn policy like the weapons one but from a technical perspective game could perfectly support that as effects, materials, 3D objects spawn and so on are already implemented and game is also able to read online data from outside sources as it does for weather engine.


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The idea of incorporating live world events with real-time data into MSFS 2024 to add a new level of realism and immersion is intriguing. Updating the world map with real-time data events like storms, tornados, hurricanes, wildfires, volcanic eruptions, floods etc. could be very cool. Excited to hear more from the developers on the possibilities of this in the near future.


Interestingly enough, I noticed the game already can simulate the some of the effects on the weather like wildfires. I live in North-East US where we were getting air quality alerts and noticable haze from the recent wildfires up in Canada a week or so ago. Sure enough, in game flying around my area and even on a clear day, the area’s visibility was slightly lower with haze.

I mean we got live weather and live traffic. Obvious next thing to do would be live events.

Some more ideas:
Fireworks over major cities during certain times and events on the calendar.

Solar/Lunar eclipse. The game already accurately positions the sun and and moon in the sky and does already somewhat have solar eclipses, but i guess the moon is just a texture and not programmed as a solid object that can cast a shadow. You just see the moon overlap the sun with no diminishing of sunlight of where your at.

I seem to recall that there’s a 3rd party add-on that already does that

Correct! The addon is “We Love VFR Xtra - Fireworks”. You can download it here.

Per the add-on description, the following locations have fireworks at the listed dates (in-sim time):

  • 31 Dec - New Year’s Eve - All around the World. Starts after dark around 20.00. Main displays from 22.00 till 1.30
  • Everyday - Disney World/Land, Florida, and California - 21.30-21.45
  • 26 Jan - Australia Day - official displays - 20.00-22.00
  • 01 Feb (2022) - Chinese New Year - China - 0:00-6:00
  • 16 May - My wife’s birthday - Somewhere in Poland :wink: - 20.00-22.30
  • 04 Jul - USA Independence Day - USA - 20.00-0.00
  • 14 Jul - Bastille Day - official displays in France - 22.00-0.00
  • 01 Aug - Swiss National Day - Switzerland - 22.00-0.00
  • 18 Aug - MSFS anniversary - Asobo HQ - 20.00-22.30
  • 20 Aug - St. Stephen’s Day - bigger cities in Hungary - 21.00-23.00
  • 24 Oct (2022) - Diwali - India - 20.00-0.00
  • 05 Nov - Guy Fawkes Day - United Kingdom - 19.00-22.00
  • 11 Nov - Polish Independence Day - bigger cities in Poland - 20.00-22.00
  • 30 Nov - St. Andrews Day - Scotland - 19.30-21.00
  • 24 Dec - Christmas Eve - Peru - 22.00-2.00

Yeah, Unfortunately im on Xbox, so me and all the other poor sap simmers on consoles are limited to whats native and on the marketplace

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I definitely think that is where we are heading. If not in 2024, in a near future edition of MSFS.

Folks working together in real time, in simulated airplanes online around the living online globe.

Forza Horizon has been doing something like this in a smaller sandbox for a couple console generations. So I know XBOX Studios productions can accomplish such things.