Load Times To Main Menu

After the latest update seem to be getting very very long load times to the main menu - especially to the new activities (ad) on then equally as long again into the main main menu - anyone got any tips about how to reduce this? (note to load a flight is very quick (using my SSD) and I also have a large community folder)
any help appreciated…

Make sure you have your Anti Virus setup to exclude all your MSFS folders. All of them! Especially your community folder. Helped me a ton even though I’m on an NVMe drive.

I spent two hours waiting for the menu in the loading screen and doesn´t work

Ok will try disabling it first see if it helps…
assume this must be an issue with the load up to main menu? (loading up a flight is very quick)

When MSFS loads on start, it seems to verify every file in each addon. That’s why having lots of Google scenery addons are so impactful to startup, they can have 2000+ files, vs a “normal” addon which is in the few hundreds.

When a flight starts, the sim is only loading the files it needs. A few months ago I watched what MSFS loads on a flight startup and during, it’s much less than when MSFS is starting up first time.

whats the solution to speed it up - to remove some of these adds ons? (assume disabling anti-virus might not work then?)

no wonder with so many addons.

In my case, I’ve only ever had problems with addons that have thousands of files, like the Google sceneries I mentioned before. I just checked, I have 200+ airports installed and my startup is about 2 minutes. Most airports are ~200 files, which doesn’t impact performance much. So, I’ve only been installing addons that are less than 1000 files. Just a personal choice.

An easy way to check, I use Treesize Free. I show 96K files (YIKES!) If you scan your Community folder it gives a nice view of total files:

Edit: I’m using MSFS Addons Linker, that’s why my Community folder looks different. I actually recommend this too, since you can enable/disable addons without messing with your Community folders directly.

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