I think there are a couple of different issues here. Looking back three years the original design purpose of FLT files was to give pilots the ability to restart a flight from the beginning from when the flight had been completed or during the flight itself. During a flight being able to save and resume a flight didn’t work very well at least for me. Also, flight plans were tightly linked to MSFS ATC. (different issue) The numerous 3rd-party developed aircraft including study-level aircraft add to the complexity and issues of both flight planning and FLT files.
The current FLT files contain flight plan and waypoint information at the start of each flight in three different sections in different formats. Two things complicated the purpose of flight planning and save/restore flights. First, some 3rd-party aircraft don’t use MSFS flight planning or PLN files. This makes FLT files pretty much useless for them. Second, many aircraft with various FMCs allow manual input of or changes to flight plans. As far as I can tell, new or changed FMC information is not “uploaded” to MSFS; therefore, it isn’t saved to a FLT file created during a flight. Currently, if one of these FLT files is restored to resume a flight, the FMC changes would need to be manually re-entered. This includes non-flight plan info such as VNAV info, winds, etc.
There needs to be a way to save and restore at any point in the all flight information including whatever is in the FMC and EFB for the equipment any aircraft has. I don’t know if there are APIs for developers to send all the FMC info to MSFS or to receive FMS info from MSFS.
Individual systems like the Garmin that can offload to their own data store are helpful but lack full extension and integration into the full MSFS ecosystem.
I think there have been significant improvements delivered in the AAU updates. This shows Asobo’s focus on improving overall flight planning and ATC integration. Hopefully future updates will have better save/restore capability including FMC uploads.
EDIT: After writing the above, I wanted to verify what I wrote since AAU2 was a significant update.
Using MSFS World Map flight planner, I created and flew a short flight to a non-tower airport. After landing and stopping but not exiting the flight, I decided to fly a return trip, creating the flight plan “on the fly”. I manually entered departure, destination, and waypoints into the FMC. I took off as a VFR flight and after takeoff, I asked ATC for an IFR flight plan.
Surprisingly ATC gave me clearance as filed for the flight plan I entered into the FMC. This means the FMC is uploading the manually entered flight plan to MSFS ATC. In addition, the flight plan was correctly displayed on the VFR Map and after a short delay in the Navlog. I then added a couple of additional waypoints. These waypoints were sent to MSFS ATC and were displayed correctly on the VFR Map. I tried this only on one FMC, the stock A320neo.
The next test was saving this return trip as a FLT file to see if the save/restore feature captured my manually entered flight plan. The answer is: it saved the FLT file BUT there was no PLN file created. There was some waypoint info captured in the FLT file but not enough to have the restore work correctly. The flight plan would have to be manually re-entered.
AAU2 update significantly improved flight planning, FMC operation, and ATC interaction. The save/restore feature works correctly only to restart a flight. Full save/restore functionality, if it is planned, does not work.