Local Legend 16: The Short SC.7 Skyvan

It does. I haven’t tried it yet, but it has all the basic features you’d expect (alt hold, track, pitch/roll, etc.).


great, thanks

another potential bug found: While engine #1 stops as expected when selecting the engine switch to OFF, #2 doesn’t

Has anyone got the localiser and glideslope to capture? Tried twice at a known working ILS that I’ve flown hundreds of times before , I’m having no luck capturing at all.

Same here - Have tried several different times to shoot an ILS with no success in capturing LOC or GS. Granted I have only tried with Modern Avionics selected, so I can’t speak to the other avionics option, but there definitely seems to be something wrong here.

Just tried again using classic panel , still not working for me

I’ve been trying to figure it out for a bit , but is it even possible to bind the Fuel Selector levers to a lever on the Honeycomb Bravo? Or have I been wasting my time?

I have done a few ILS approaches and it does work. This was into EGKB earlier today

Well that’s reassuring to know, but also frustrating! I’ll have to try again later. Would you mind briefly explaining the procedure you used to intercept the LOC/GS? I haven’t had trouble capturing an ILS in any aircraft other than this one…


The aircraft can be IFR certified and not have DME. Lots of older aircraft are not equipped with DME.
It simply limits the approaches you are allowed to fly with it.

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Need a civilian cargo version with a kln 90b. :slight_smile:



I am a Honeycomb user. I have a yoke profile I use with the DC-3 where none of the buttons/switches are active save for the ones on the yoke handles I use for trim, radio responses, VFR Map and tailwheel lock. This eliminated the the odd clicking when turning on the battery. As a matter of fact I had a power issue that was very similar with the Duckworks DC-3 that lead to the creation of the profile. If you experience it I suggest you do the same.

Yes that’s one of the HC yoke design flaws.

As for the DME, the workaround (a bit immersion breaking, although still less than flying 1970s ops with a GNS :wink: ) is to use FSHud to display a little DME readout in one of the screen corners.

Other a bit sad flaws I’ve noticed are: Boost pumps being switched off kills the engine, EGT creeps up very slowly when setting T/o power, I have to hold it on the brakes for like 30 secs to adjust the power not to exceed EGT values, and there seems to be no Beta, eventhough it’s already natively implemented. Sad to see Asobo’s official addon not using already available gimmicks of the sim engine. Apart from that, seems OK. Maybe a bit too light on the controls and overpowered, but I’ve never seen a real Skyvan in action, not to mention flying one so that’s one for discussion. Still better than the late Twotter as of now.


Am I the only one whose control yoke of the Skyvan is ENORMOUS when inside VR?
I use the Pimax Crystal.

BTW the Skyvans of the Austrian Air Force did have DME’s installed.

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For me ILS and LOC landings were also not possible. The Van ist following flightplans in Track mode as it should. When captured a localizer or glidepath the GS is showed up in the instruments but the aircraft isn’t following the right path. Whether in capture mode for LOC nor in GS Mode for ILS.


I tried again last night several times, and did actually manage to capture a Localizer consistently using Approach Mode, however GS never captured no matter what I tried. As you said, GS did appear on the HSI correctly, but the aircraft would not follow the path down.


Strange behavior when using the auto pilot heading function: when pressing the HDG button the HSI heading bug will align with the aircraft direction, discarding the previous dialed in target heading.

Yes, I also noticed that.

This plane is absolutely cool, but ini managed to made the same mistakes as with the MU2.

Guess I was to weak to wait for reviews…

So I will just handfly this little crazy fella.

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Possibly not a bug. Some planes do allow you to press the HDG knob to sync aircraft heading. I assume that’s what you mean, and are observing. Whether this plane is supposed to have that feature I have no clue.