Pretty good, but the prop blur distorts a bit, at least in VR. And it’s range is half what it should be.
If the range issue doesn’t bother you, I’d go for it. The prop blur issue doesn’t stop me from enjoying it occasionally.
Pretty good, but the prop blur distorts a bit, at least in VR. And it’s range is half what it should be.
If the range issue doesn’t bother you, I’d go for it. The prop blur issue doesn’t stop me from enjoying it occasionally.
I didn’t fly it much, because it’s a very particular brand of flying, but when I did I loved every second of it. I recommend it!
It’s really well modelled, has a few bells and whistles like a cockpit cover and a baggage cart, sounds nice and has two variants.Vintage and modern replica. Both variants have their own ways to control extras: A clipboard in the vintage variant and some alternative cockpit instrument controls in the modern variant.
So, how short is the range? The fact that it is slow doesn’t bother me at all, I have plenty of fast planes. I just want to to some low and slow flying
About what the game lists. 170 odd miles for the old variant, 376 is probably about right for the modern one. Both should be about double that according to my brief internet searches.
Do a testflight and you will find the range as stated is wrong. I don’t remember how far I have flown the F13 but I think it was about in the 800km range. There is just a wrong number typed into the aircraft description, it flies further than stated there.
The reason is because the range displayed was taken from a website of an Australian airplane photo blogger. And this guy somehow typed in a totally wrong number that just got copied.
The tank volumes and consumptions as modeled in the game are fairly accurate though and while you don’t get the often stated 1200km out of it, you should still be able to cover around 800km.
Thank you, this is most helpful. I’m looking forward to trying it out. 800km is perfectly adequate for my needs
That would make what the game says fairly accurate. 376NM is around 700km. It should be about 750nm or 1400km.
I meant for the vintage version, not the modern version. So it is about 800km for the grossly understated range of what was it 190nm?
Looks like the vintage one.
I crawled through the cyberspace and bought expensive books on that topic to get reliable data on the range of that plane only to find out that the model that is depicted is from a plane that was re-transferred from somewhere without type plate so not even the museum can be sure which version they rebuilt and the performance data is taken from a completely different aircraft that was taken to Australia.
Is that true?! If so that would be a worrying indicator about how much (or little) care is taken making these Local Legends / Famous Flyers … the “but they are so cheap” excuse only goes so far.
The F13 was delivered with a number of different engines over the years. In authoritative books on the F13 (Hoffmann: Als das Auto fliegen lernte, quoting Wagner: Hugo Junkers Pioner der Luffahrt) the range is between 1400 km (770 nm) for the 1919 model with the Mercedes D IIIa 160 hp engine to 950 km (520 nm) in the 1923 with the L 2 265 hp engine to 525 km (290 nm) in the 1930 with the Jupiter VI 485 hp engine.
At least this is only a minor inconvenience as the plane performs quite well. Also there were some issues that were later rectified so essentially it is still a good plane in the simulator, just one value was copied from a bad source. It is still one of the better planes.
And like I’ve pointed out before, almost all planes read the wrong performance values in the sim. My issue is just that the plane doesn’t fly near as far as it should. It’s still overall a pretty good plane. Esp for the price.
Just tried this in VR for the first time. WOW. Just spectacular. And makes that kinda horrible windscreen design more workable since you can lean forward to look out.
Yep! I just flew it a bit last night. I don’t know if it’s my settings or just a difference with my Quest 3 over the 2 I had before, but the prop doesn’t look nearly as bad to me as it did in the past. It’s downright tolerable and the rest of the plane is very nice. I’m considering flying it home from Germany (Hope is Western Washington state). Junkers has started making them for a measly $2 million or so.