Logbook not updating after patch

Do not have developer mode on have not used it sense the last patch. Log book stopped working right after this patch… You can now turn on developer mode and turn it off and 1 flight will log. than nothing. You would have restart sim and do it over and maybe get a complete flight to log maybe??


weird then, mine hasn’t. Just did the weekly activity (tour of Japan) and it was logged correctly.

what’s more, the whole statistics list seems to work a lot better as well.

More power to ya. and for the record everything else works great.

maybe one thing to try is to enable dev mode once again, make sure all toggles are off, then disable dev mode and restart the game.

I’ve seen reports of some dev mode settings lingering around even with it disabled (like the ‘dome like structures’). It’s a long shot, but might help.

Thank you, but have done that and even tried a complete PC restart with no luck.

Then I’m fresh out of ideas. Hope someone else has something else for you to try.

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I also don’t have entries in logbooks, even when I disable devmode and restart simulator. :pensive:


My logbook ends up with my first flight after the patch recording 27 seconds and then never come back.

New patch, new bugs. At the moment it’s a hard life for us alpha testers. Maybe beta will get better.

Lucky not to paid for :wink::wink::wink:

I did a flight to KSBA and on logbook it is recorded as “[KOXR] Vicinity” instead. Before the patch I did the same flight and everything was fine.


Did do the update for Japan. My logbook is not working anymore. Also FS crashes when I use the map. Did try a lot but it does not work. Maybe I can uninstall Japan?

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FWIW My logbook was broken before this weeks update. I’ll try some of the things here, but so far I’ve lost about 20 hours of flight time, grrrr.

Ok, it was definitely developer mode for me as well. Turned just that one setting off and it worked.

Logbook broken after 3rd patch. I don’t have developer mode on and have never had it on. Worked OK until the Japan patch.

By OK, I mean that it always logged the flying time, but not always the takeoffs or landings.


Dev mod ON (Options->General->Developers) , nothing more done, and then
Dev mod OFF (Options->General->Developers). Save.
Short flight. Logbook not updating.

Dev mod ON, exit dev mode from the dev mod menu,
Dev mod OFF (Options->General->Developers). Save.
Restart the game.
The same short flight. Logbook now working.

Maybe just for me…


Logs some flights and not others, not sure what changed between flights, I did not change any settings
PS. I am not flying with development mode on


Exactly the same for me.

Not exactly the same, but landing at the end of IFR flight (so pretty sure i was landing on correct rwy), the flight is logged, buit not the landing (finish is written like [airport] vicinity), upvoted


First thanks for the post. Well that worked for one flight, Than back to no logging

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I re-installed the whole game all over hoping it would fix the logbook but it didn’t.
It used to add an entry just by starting at the airport cold and dark without doing an actual flight, but no longer doing so. Tried following @ECCCS procedure but didn’t seem to work.

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Since last update, the logbook wont record correctly flight times and landings. My departures are ok, but my flightimes and landings are not. My landings appear as “Vecinity” and my flightimes last less than 10 minutes.
It doesn’t matter if I really flew for more than 3 hours and landed in a correct airport following ATC instructions.


The logbook stopped updating and logging my flights after installing the recent patch ( And yes developer mode is OFF.

Additionally there are now thunderstorms almost everywhere and the VFR CTD we havent had before. But we heard about those a zillion times already.

QA for this patch has failed - why was it even released?

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