Logitech Pro Flight Rudder Pedals not working in FS2024

Thanks. I will give it a try :slight_smile:

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Decided to dismantle the pedals. 24 screws later I was looking at the inner workings. Scratched my head for a while and eventually identified the Z axis potentiometer. Fiddled with it a little bit and quickly realised that one of three wires was unconnected. Ureka!

Phoned a neighbour with a soldering iron and he did a job on it. Before he arrived, I had to strip the insulation back on the tiny wire. Got it wrong a few times but the wire was still just long enough.

Reasembled it and put it to the Test. It worked!!!..for 10 seconds and then it broke again. With the wire a little bit shorter now It must have been hit by the mechanism and ripped off again :frowning:

Gonne have to wait for a new one, which has now been delayed till Monday :frowning:


Ah, yes. I was initially unsure about opening up all the screws to get inside. But after seeing your comment I decided to give it a go, and indeed, there was one wire that had snapped of its connection. I cut some of the wire end out of the insulation and attempted to solder it back in place. I reinforced it with the a bit of hot glue on the insulation. Tested on the computer and the z-axis is back! It seems as there is another set of wires/cables that rubs these connects when you move the z-axis motion (which is not a great design). I tried to position the wires to best avoid friction but wouldn’t be surprised if it ended up happening again
 I appreciate the insight! Happy flying!

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Good Story. I know the wires you mean. They are the ones that feed up the pedals to the pots of the toe brakes. What I couldn’t understand was that there seemed to about 4 cores close together and all uninsulated. My electronics knowledge isn’t sufficient to understand that one.

Glad you sorted it.

EDIT Those cables couldn’t been part of the electrical circuitry as I cant recall them being connected to anything. Their purpose remains a mystery.

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Same here, I have a set of hand-built pedals that work fine in everything else, but FS24. Flight Simulator shows the pedals, and it shows the correct axis, but moving the pedals shows no movement on the screen. The pedals work fine under USB Game controllers and other games. Frustrating.

I also have Logitech pedals and for both HID and USB I have installed the driver without the Logitech software. The driver version is
Pedals work flawlessly, for example, with the Cessna 172.

FYI, please do not confuse the driver version with the application version as these are two different versions.

I have the problem, that my Saitek Rudders are not able to go to a neutral possition. All is set right in the controler settings, but they are not coming to neutral. Any ideas? Thx for some help.

Maybe adding a small deadzone in configuration will help on the axis to center.