Logitech Yoke System - Hat Switch & Camera Rotation Freely?

Just hoping someone might be able to assist me. In Xplane11 I am able to use the hat switch on my logitech Yoke to smoothly rotate the camera in the cockpit similar to that which I do with an xbox controller during drone mode in MSFS.

When I first started with MSFS I was using my hat switch to smoothly look to the right but then I changed something where I can now only suddenly look left or right and instead have to use my mouse to move around the cockpit in a smooth rotational manner Vs sudden movements.

How do I get the hat switch to at least move around slowly without jumping from point to point?

In the Controller binding options make sure the filter on the left is set to “All” instead of “Assigned”. Then in the Camera section go into either Cockpit Camera or External Camera (You’ll need to do both). There’ll be settings called “Look Left” (Or they might use arrows like “Look <-”, I can’t remember). Click on that to bind it, use “bind by input” or whatever it’s called, and then move your hat-switch to the left. Repeat that for every direction (Diagonals too if you want that buttery smooth camera!), then repeat for the other camera (Cockpit or External).

You’ll also need to find the “Quick Look Left” or whatever it’s called that’s already bound and unbind them. Easiest way to do that is to “search by input” on the left, move the switch, then unbind the setting.


^___ what he said +1

That was very helpful. All good now.

Thank you. :+1:t2:

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