Longitude & TBM > possibility to remove the PFD map inset

Since the glass cockpits are already reducing the sim performance, there’s a lot of info on the PFD and we have the very large map on the center display, it would be great if the map inset on the PFD could be removed, as e.g. in the default C208.
Most likely increases the performance and more important declutters the PFD.
Don’t even know if the inset option exists on the real Longitude, I haven’t found a photo/video showing this inset.

Using Working Title G3000 for TBM930 will do that.
The PFD map inset is replaced by TCas little screen and you are able to set display or not display on request

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As @Coleo91 has said, the Working Title mods do will do this. It works on both the TBM and the Longitude and (IIRC) it gives the option to turn the inset TCAS display off, also.

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