Looking for a specific add on/PC app

a week or so ago I remember seeing a youtube video that talked about some of the best addons available so far. One of them was a PC app that has a world map of beautiful or interesting places to visit. Does anyone know which one I’m talking about? I can’t remember which video referenced it or I would go back and watch again.

There is this map from one of the users on here (sorry can’t remember who atm)
https ://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/viewer?mid=1KUg5jwyT_9k2A9n5IZ99UChlhfVUfO5S&ll=23.00006993411484%2C-9.883631330117261&z=3
It has all the POI on it, (remove the space after https)

Ahh it’s made and maintained by AquilaSimX, says right on the map :smiley:

I’ve also recently launched a community site for finding interesting places to visit. You may find some flights you’re interested in on here, or if you know of some interesting places you can also contribute. Definitely rate any of the flights you do so people can find the best contributions.

Check it out at World Tour Flights.