Looking for short flight plans for bush trips in VR

This isn’t necessarily specific to my VR headset which happens to be an HP G2 V2.

As the title indicates I’m wondering if there is a source for sight seeing bush trips. I’m a casual flier but I spend almost all of my time in one of the Freedom Fox variants.

I’ve done the Idaho mail delivery trip, and that is exactly the type of thing I’m looking for.

Preferably 30 to 45 minutes long. I know that’s getting kind of picky but that’s what I prefer.

If anybody has any suggestions on where such a resource might be.l I would be very thankful to see it.

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I have a few suggestions:

  1. There is a series of so-called “Short VFR” flights on flightsim.to, just search for “Short VFR”. They take off from mostly small fields and are heading to famous POIs like Tadj Mahal, Neuschwanstein, Uluru etc. Most of them are really shot 15-20 min, but beautiful and fun. Unfortunately the author is no longer able to support them.

  2. Migman’s Flightsim Museum. These are short VFR trips with extended documentatition. They are (not too pricey) payware, though. Most of them are slightliy longer, 30 min or so. I see you are on VR (like me), thus it’s a bit difficult to follow the provided pdf-docs in flight, though. Yes, there are tools for displaying them, but I find still them a bit awkward to handle, notably with these really big pdfs.

  3. Worldtour Flights gathers a number of VFR plans of different length, with a number of them well fitting into your frame.

And yes, I share your enjoyment of this type of flying for sightseeing.


Thank you for those suggestions and I will definitely check all of them out!!

That sounds like exactly what I am looking for.


Thank you!!

My free flight planner has many short, scenic flights built-in (‘wonders’). You can also generate a flight by specifying a goal (like Eifel tower, grand canyon, your home address), and then select ‘add nearest airport’ to construct a flight.

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Try Alaska. Not a lot of roads, but lots of airfields with beautiful scenery.

Outstanding! Thank you.