Looking for short runway / challenging regional airports for small airliners (suggestions?)

Thanks for all the suggestions! Didn’t expect so many replies here :slight_smile:
I’ll update my 1st post with some of them later today.

I have both KTEX and KASE on my list, I have landed there a few times in the CJ4 and also landed the A310 in KASE - quite challenging, but easily doable in a good weather :slight_smile: KEGE sounds nice, but with a 9000ft runway I guess I’ll do it in the A310 :slight_smile:
When it comes to the landing challenges, I already did most of them and did A LOT of landings ‘for real’ on MHTG, LXGB and VQPR - which is quite easy when you know where to aim… if the weather is good of course. Did all of those in the A310 though, which I feel is not very realistic - the brakes would be completely melted after coming to a stop in Gibraltar for example.

I completely forgot about EKVG! Thanks!
Landed there once or twice in the CJ4 in a terrible weather so I didn’t see any of the scenery :laughing: Will try again in the 736.

LESO is a great suggestion! Same with LFLP.
LFLJ… well, deffo not for a 737 :joy: Landed there a lot of times in some smaller aircraft, great challenge. LFMN indeed has a beautiful approach, landed there a lot of times in the A310, but it is very easy in the 736 and I am looking for something more challenging :slight_smile:

Ohhh yes! CYCG is another great idea, I remember it wasn’t easy for me to land the CJ4 there, will deffo try it in the 736 :slight_smile: It’s also a ‘handcrafted’ airport in the sim which makes it even better :slight_smile:

All of those are great suggestions, I actually wanted to try the KEYW today :slight_smile: Will add all of those airports to the list.

KTEX is already on my list :slight_smile: Great approach and very doable in the 736.
When it comes to the LFLJ and VNLK, yes, they are very challenging and I landed there multiple times in various aircraft, maybe I should start another thread with the most challenging and shortest runways (if there isn’t one already)? :slight_smile:

I like to do ‘trips’ in the sim and fly VFR around different parts of the world, and I did a lot of those in various mountain ranges, so I already did Himalayas - there are much more VERY dangerous and difficult airstrips, e.g. Simikot (VNST) or Suketar (VNTJ) were quite a challenge in the KingAir.

I also did Rocky Mountains, some of the airfields there make Courchevel look like a friggin Space Shuttle Landing Facility :joy: For example 9ID6 - Mallard Creek Ranch or 05ID - Running Creek Airfield. Lower Loon Creek is a nice challenge too :slight_smile:

The Andes to my surprise didn’t have too many ultra short and challenging runways :man_shrugging: and right now I am flying around the Drakensberg, and I have already found a few very difficult airfields there :slight_smile: Next on the list is Papua and I am sure I will crash a lot there :rofl:

CYLW looks good, but with 8900ft runway I guess I will try it in the A310 :slight_smile:

Oh yes, Innsbruck is great and I use this airport a lot :slight_smile: Didn’t realize it’s only 6562ft though, I landed the A310 a few times there, but usually I do it in the CJ4 and it seems quite long. Will try it in the 736 for sure :slight_smile:

Thanks, adding KSNA to the list :slight_smile:

Thanks! Lugano is a good suggestion :slight_smile:

What I meant by “somewhat realistic” was - it should be possible to land the 736 there with ~100pax onboard and some reserve fuel, using correct Vapp, flaps 40, autobrakes max and reversers. NO smashing it into the ground at 1500fpm and melting the brakes and no ‘weird’ and unrealistic manouvres. Other than that, everything goes :slight_smile:


I landed at London City, was really short but boy ive never seen a runway so wide…


Make sure when you fly to Kelowna you do the RNAV for 34 flying along Lake Okanagan is amazing. :slight_smile:

Also sending out my thoughts to those impacted by the fires. :(.

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IF you want a REAL challenge at KTEX, try landing on RW27 instead of the strongly-preferred RW09.

CitationMax & schmmmindy does it here in a CJ3+. Would be nuts to try this in a 737, but challenge given!

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Didn’t see anyone mention KDCA River Visual RWY 19. The runway is not ridiculously short, but I can tell ya, it ain’t long! :rofl:

The fun part is weaving down the river between some pretty interesting scenery, especially if you have one of the landmark packages loaded.

And you can shoot yourself down if you wander into one of the Prohibited Areas. :wink:

Alternatively, try ILS RWY 01, circle to land 33 for a challenge.

Another fun one is Chicago Midway (KMDW). Try ILS RWY 31C, circle to land RWY 22L which is a common approach. Turn well inside the downtown unless you want the “FAA Bonus”.

KBUR has been mentioned. What hasn’t is that SoCal Approach will keep you over 10k to keep your speed up and then slam dunk you on base. You’ll need Idle, gear, and speedbrake to get down and probably Altitude Hold, slow to Flaps 40, then barber pole it to get down to a stabilized(ish) approach.

Lastly of course try the KLGA RIVER VISUAL RWY 31 for a steep descending turn onto final or the PARK VISUAL RWY 13 over the top of Central Park for the great scenery and getting down challenge.


KSNA is another one with a short runway (<6000ft) in SoCal and it has real life 737 operations. In fact, there has just been an accident involving a 737 (presumably collapsed gear).

Edit: actually not a collapsed landing gear. The left main gear got pushed straight through the wing. Here’s a video: https://youtu.be/cYZ93aHgwlY?si=RgjaxlJC5hXl-vzT

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Usei Is a super short runway about the size of the An-225

Even though this isn’t a short runway, this landing is quite a challenge!

Palm Springs KPSP RNAV(GPS) Z RWY 31 has a:

  1. The runway is 10° offset from the approach.
  2. The VGSI and descent angles are not the same.
  3. Gusty crosswinds even at small angles make landing more challenging.
  4. Don’t forget about the mountains all around especially during the arrival.

definitely give PADU a try like mentioned before! You can keep flying circles and make a toch and go!
Consider te market place addon scenery if you like it. One word, beautiful!


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Southampton EGHI 5653ft
Lee-on-Solent EGHF 4347ft

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Castlegar Airport in the Kootenay region of British Columbia Canada is notoriously challenging due to the mountains. I believe the airport was upgraded as part of the Canada World Update.

Ps. Great thread!


At 6562 x 131, LSGS may be a little bigger that what you’re looking for, but with Rwy 25 having an offset ILS and a 6° glideslope (steeper than London City), it can be a challenge in low visibility. Personally, I like dropping into the valley early and coming in between the mountains on either side.

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It is already mentioned up thread.

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SKSM is a nice short runway in the north of Colombia. A very nice place to make vacations as well!

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ohh almost forget, LIRQ! in the beautiful city of Florence Italy! challanging airport due to the mountain ahead!

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Another Switzerland route I often fly in GA or bizjets: LSZS to LSZC, Samedan to Buochs (or the other direction). These are definitely on the edge of airliner capability.

Buochs has only visual approaches, where you have to swing around a small mountain, amidst bigger mountains and water. Super scenic. I believe it’s where Pilatus aircraft are built, as the Navigraph chart says “procedure limited to Pilatus personnel” or similar.

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The River Visual to Runway 19 at Washington/Reagan (KDCA) is fun, and provides a good view of many historical sites, incluing the Washington Monument, and infamous 14th Street Bridge, and the Watergate Hotel.

Also, the RNAV (RNP) Z to Runways 19 Left and Right at Las Vegas (KLAS) have a late turn to final and a fantastic view of The Strip. Not sure if that counts.

Runway 27 at San Diego (KSAN) has 7,200 feet beyond the displaced threshold, but watch out for the 3.5 degree glideslope over the hill and unfortunately-placed parking garage. This approach is challenging because of the steep glideslope: if you end up high and/or fast, it’s difficult to stabilize, especially with a tailwind.

There’s been occasions at Oakland (KOAK) when Runway 30 was closed and air carrier traffic was shifted to the 6,200-foot long Runway 28L.

If you do a Google search for “FAA Special Airports PIC” you’ll find the list of airports that require special aircrew qualification, usually for mountainous terrain. That list may be a good place to find challenging air carrier airports.


Bolzano LIPB
Aosta LIMW

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Good one!
I tried it yesterday at night in a CJ4… wasn’t the best idea to go for RWY23 at night, without checking out the terrain map beforehand :rofl: Somehow I managed a smooth landing, wouldn’t call it a stabilized approach though :wink:

Just found this list, thanks a lot! I’ll save it and try as many of those as possible :slight_smile:

Good suggestion with Aosta, would be a great one to try in a BAE146 or Avro RJ, since that’s (BAE146) the largest aircraft that landed there IRL.

I have added Donegal to the list, completely forgot about this one. It’s not difficult, but the views are great on the approach and the runway is quite short at ~4900ft. I have also rearranged the list so it goes from shortest to longest runways.

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