When I start a flight in the air (above a point of interest for example) and not from an airport, the calibration data is not taken into account !
in fact, the neutral zone of my joystick is not taken into account and the aircraft is very unstable.
I have to land and take off again so that everything is back to normal, which is not normal.
Thank you
This sounds like a bug. You should log it as such on the Zendesk.
I have noticed that at the first start of the game the controls don’t seem to be initialized like you said. Most noticeably the throttle has no idea where it really is. I see the rudder go full deflection left and right one time then they operate as expected. I’m in the habit now of immediately going to full deflection of every control to get them initialized. It only takes a second and as long as I don’t rip off my ailerons I’m not bothered by it.
Also it’s anyway part of every comprehensive checklist to do so.
Thats not an issue with the game but mainly of how windows treats your peripherals.
thank you for your advice … to try
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