LOSS: The Lexicon Of Sim Stutters

In that case, we need SOS (and I remove Stockholm’s use of it). Server Overload Stutter?

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Well done!

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Oh, then we need Network slowdown stutter (NSS). It’s the stutter that originates from the unseen bowels of the internet :rofl: :thinking:

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Added that little lot. We are up to 44 now!

Yeah I like this idea, and have also been thinking how to do this. 3 main issues:

  1. I can’t cram much more columns into this kind of table. It’s already hard to read with the way the formatting works on cells with longer text. So I would probably have to move it to a Google Sheet but then it probably won’t get as many views by putting that barrier in.
  2. I don’t even know where I can find a clear answer to solutions for these. If I knew them all, I would not be writing this topic in the first place lol
  3. And sourcing a clear video of each ‘type’ will be hard. Also to ensure it does not get ‘deleted’ and out of date.

Here is what i can hope for 3 main issues

For 1) maybe forum moderators has some idea (maybe in a guide way)
For 2) maybe asobo can assist on this
And for 3) members of the forum could provide video and discus what LOSS it concearns
Then selected vids could be attached to their respectfull acronym

What about WUS - World Update Stutter - In some cases after a World Update we experience stuttering if we haven’t cleared cache (game cache,amd,nvdia,dx)

I sometimes think there is a ODS (Others Downloading Stutter) when you’ve updated the newest update and are trying to fly while everyone else is currently downloading the update.

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I think the last two suggestions are covered by SUS and SOS :rofl:

ATC. That’s the stutter I do when I press the PTT button to reply to ATC before my brain is in gear and figured out what to say.


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Hey, so I have reworked the format of the page in post one now, really just a starting point template for adding this extra info as suggested by @PHSepp796

It is now using a sidebar Table Of Contents to help navigation.

Now, I will be looking for Community Help to fill in the More Info Links, Solutions and Video Examples please, if you know of any good sources for this for each entry, I’m all ears! :ear: :ear: :ear:

I already added the Sun Behind Stutter one as that was a great example from @TenPatrol (but has no solution lol).

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Look the other way? :grin:

I’m really not much help in this thread am I? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Hah. Frankly, I don’t think there really are solutions to most of these.

Clear game cache, nvidia and amd cache, dx cache :wink:

Watched (and listened to) that video. Do 152’s now have an APU option? :open_mouth:

Serious? :slight_smile:

This does not look bad at all @Baracus250
You know how to get going on :ok_hand:

As for the SBS solution i would add, fly on cloudy days when the sun is not visible ( lol )

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DBS - Death by Stutter

A stutter so long that the pilot expires waiting for it to end.


Just finished a flight that I didn’t really have time for…
Decided to adjust the sim rate (in the PMDG 737) which I hadn’t used before.
While I was moving along at 4x things were not smooth, but I figured that was normal.
After returning to normal speed I continued to have, well, ■■■ (after sim-rate stutters) – not a body part.
I see the forum automatically blanked that acronym out, so you’d need to come up with another :flushed:
Being my first go at time compression I’m not sure if this is a typical stutter or of my own making, but there ya go.


Came up with an alternative name (maybe better? lol) for the CND (Changed Next Day).

WTF - Where’s That From?

Maybe it could be a separate thing but I left it double-named in the list for now :wink: