And even some crazy AI planes doing unbelievable flying! LOL
Similar, I fly over KLAX, and see little traffic on the ground on on the air.
Try AI traffic and set it to 100. No problem with traffic there
Yesterday, I actually saw an AI 787X at EGLL (ETD12 to Doha) I couldn’t believe it! It was default livery but when I saw an AI with the label ‘Boeing’ as I approached 27R, I thought it couldn’t be… And yet it was. It was taxing to the RWY hold point just as I crossed the threshold, so cool. Its part of the sim that has lots of potential, just have to be patient, it will happen!
Just flew by KSJO and they had 'em stacked up to land - five aircraft in the pattern, with two recent departures. Fun to watch on Little NavMap and then see them out of your windscreen as they blink by…
Wanna see a lot of traffic? Fly to Charlotte (KCLT) in the evening. Planes filling the sky like gnats!