Low Bandwidth issues with Telekom - Germany only!

I’ll try to share MY experiences here as shortly as possible:
Technical status:
I am also with Telekom and use a business connection with a maximum of 300Mb, we have a standard 2-wire copper connection and the distance to the fibre optic network is 149m. There are no problems whatsoever with Internet use, neither in the business nor private area. So the line was and is very trouble-free, we have maximum data transfers to Frankfurt and Berlin and ping times of around 17ms. The ping times to the Fs2024 server Europa-West are usually around 50ms. On non-working days, they can sometimes be over 60ms.
The computer used is high-end, therefore rtx 4090 with corresponding board CPU and 64GB RAM and is also used for graphic tasks of my Company. The LAN is designed in 5Gb and should therefore not cause any problems.
Using the MS-Store Version.

Here mentioned disturbances:
I do not consider changes to DNS servers, VPN connections or accusations by Telekom that these would slow things down to be relevant. It must be taken into account that disruptions of this kind would affect the entire Internet traffic. But it definitely only affects the FS2024. Telekom is not interestet to slow down FS2024 or Microsoft Products.

Behaviour after a new installation:
If the 2024 is installed, it is noticeable at startup that the peak values when loading are only in the kb or single-digit mb range.
The Communty folder is empty, btw. which does not matter.
Starting in free flight and zooming in to a specific location results in a blurred image and it sometimes takes over 5-10 minutes until the image looks reasonably sharp. In addition, the low bandwidth status message appears, which can have an effect on the displayed landscape. If you wait patiently before flying, the view is more or less catastrophic. Blurred landscape and clouds like in Ninto64 times. This situation is sometimes better and sometimes worse, but never really usable. Loading the landscape is rarely accompanied by values above 2-3mb and is usually in the kb range.

This situation is absolutely reproducible and occurs with every new installation.

I have to say that I was pretty fed up with the situation and temporarily uninstalled 2024 to avoid wasting time on it.
Nevertheless, I have now looked into the issue again because I remembered the initial problems in 2020 that occurred with the rolling cache.

The miracle happens :wink:
I have now increased the rolling cache to 32GB, which did not result in any noticeable change. However, a value of 64GB allowed an improvement at startup and zooming in to a location was much faster. Download peaks of up to 80mb occurred. However, the effect was only of limited duration. After I had randomly travelled to very distant places on the globe, everything was back to ‘normal’. Unfortunately, you can’t reset the chache. It is also not possible to reduce the size. Moving it to another location doesn’t help either. So I deleted the cache manually, which caused huge problems at the next start and the start time was extremely prolonged.
It seems to me that the rolling cache is not only used in 2024 for the landscape when flying, but also for programme content when starting or operating the software.
I then managed to restore the basic settings by reinstalling, which created the cache at the original location with 16GB. The speed problems can then be reproduced. I have tested this several times.

I then increased the cache to the current 164GB. Every time I do this, it has an immediate effect on the download speed.
I have spikes that go over 200mb both when starting the 2024 and when zooming in to a location. Even if there are situations where it takes longer, if there is no peak over 20mb when starting the FS or zooming in, I can say with certainty that something is wrong.
Please note: related to my internet connection.
With every new installation and increase in cache size, the speed peaks immediately became noticeably higher. This resulted in high values ​​of over 70-100mb even for longer periods of time. This means that the bandwidth problem message no longer appears.

Final result:
The connection between the rolling cache and the download speed is 100% clear and reproducible for me. This was the result of repeating the tests after a new installation and increasing the cache size. I now achieve loading speeds between 100-200mb. This results in a completely different gaming flow.

With the new size of 164 GB, the situation has not worsened again so far.
If this happens again, I’ll have to see how to fix the problem without reinstalling. I can also add a hard drive to the system and set the cache to 1TB, but that doesn’t really solve the problem.

Basically, a cache reset option would definitely be useful. This could also happen automatically.
I had already noticed that an error log was automatically issued because the 2024 took an unusually long time to start. Therefore, monitoring the loading times is certainly a good way to influence the cache.

I am pleased that I have now found a solution to this major problem and hope that the developers will improve it and could help others in the same situation.
The rolling cache will certainly be used to a greater extent in 2024 than in the 2020 version, which may be why there are still problems.

I wish everyone a merry and peaceful Christmas who is celebrating the holiday.