I have tried lowering the resolution or lowering the quality and the performance in FPS is invaluable. If anyone could help me, I’d greatly appreciate it.
When I undock the radio window I get a considerable increase in frames. 15 to 45fps
You are being limited by some of the threads on your CPU. Remember that the average CPU graph is not a good indicator as some threads are not used much.
If you undock a window, depending on which window then has the focus you will likely see the fps of the undocked window, which will in general be much better than the main window, so again this is not a good indicator.
The setting which has the major impact is the render scaling. This is the best place to start tuning your system - 100 is OK for many users. Then you need to try the other settings in turn to see which compromise of quality vs performance suits you.
The update due this coming week should include an improvement to CPU performance of up to 10 fps.
Thank you very much pot the answer… Regards
Where do you even get this from? Sure, there will be improvements, but as far as I know there hasn’t been any prediction of the effect it will have.
If I remember correctly, it was in the latest devs q&a video. I think he quoted that it may give an improvement of 5-10fps, but very much an off-the-cuff comment, i.e. not to be relied on.
Speaking personally, I’m GPU bound, so don’t expect to see any improvement at all on my system.
Maybe you should start with “LOW” preset settings and work your way up to see which settings impact your system the most. Obviously, as mentioned, render scaling would be the first setting I’d have a look at, then the LOD-settings. And not to forget: Traffic. Your aim should be a “balanced” load between main thread and GPU - therefore I’d leave the developer-mode on while changing settings to have an idea what’s impacted.
From the last Q&A, they said that during testing, they saw average fps increase 6-10 fps.
Ah ok, fair enough. I must have missed that. Thanks for the info.
The OP may welcome next Tuesday’s patch, which may include some CPU optimisations which were excluded from Update 6.