LSZR- Altenrhein ISL Landing (108.75)

The ILS landing runway 10 in LSZR Althenrhein passes the runway to the right and the approach is too high.
World Update Germany Austria And Switzerland is up to date

The approach plates note a LOC offset of about 0.8 degrees and cautions obstacle warnings before runway threshold.

Is this a custom airport or stock World Update?

Moved to #self-service:scenery

I have have just ended my third trial flight over there departing from LIML. I am on default A320 and no WU for the region installed. On flight 1 and 2 I arrived on the airport too high as you. Just followed the ATC descend calls that were taking care of the constrains at 8000 and the last at 5000 fts. At 5000 fts there were no miles in front to land .Noticed on LittleNavMap that there is an ILS offset on the right side there.I have no airports charts to verify that.
On the last flight,when the ATC did the descend call to 5000 fts I did set altitude at 2500 fts. Eventually the ILS (GS) was engaged but I noticed that the paths was too high ( PAPI were all white.) and the off-set still there. So ,by disengaing the AP I could land manually without problems.
Let’s say that while the ils off-set could be realistic (must be verified on maps) the GS descent angle seems to be wrong. IMO

The airport is part of World Update Germany Austria and Switzerland

Please see these notes on the plate.

What do I have to do to correct this offset 0.8° and how can I reduce the height (PAPI white )

I’m still waiting what I have to do to land in LSZR Althenrhein correctly or will there be an update from World Update Germany Austria and Switzerland with this airport soon