First: It seems that there are no command for LNAV and RNAV on the main panel of the aircraft.
Second: When the AP is connected with the joystick, the commands on the panel A/THR and AP don’t function !
Topic moved into 3rd Party Aircraft category: #third-party-addon-discussion:aircraft
Thank you very much.
First of all, please don’t use the experimental version for now. It’s currently not updated.
Secondly, I don’t understand what your issue is. Can you explain a bit more?
Airbus panel doesn’t have a LNAV VNAV command switch (you confuse with Boeing) In airbus panel speed alt and hdg are either managed or selected
Take a look at this it could help
I saw that story of NAV in a tuto on you tube about the cold start of the FBW A32NX, last week and I had taken notes.
second: till week I used since two months the experimental version following the notice of a correspondant of the forum. as I had some problems with that version, I asked what I had to do, I was told that I had to use the experimental version which was regularly updated. Now you tell me to leave this development version. In one word, what version have I to use ? i don’t know anymore to believe !
Like AGuther said use the dev version (not the experimental)
I just send a mail to Taravochris about the problem.
I Have done a mistake, then since two months, I used the development version.
I always use the latest dev version and never had any problem
I shall like believe you. Thank you much.
you can watch my videos if you want here. I don’t have any commentary, so there shouldn’t be a language issue. Neo - YouTube
I just loaded the folder of 372 Ko from Gichub in my folder “community” of MSFS. What things are now changing ? Thank you.
Now I am loading the development version on FBW as you advise to me
Je viens de charger le dossier de 372 Ko de Gichub dans mon dossier «communauté» de MSFS. Qu’est-ce que les choses changent maintenant? Merci.
It is the version 429d4f9 ?
I use the installer from FBW website and then I select dev version that’s all
That’s I 've done.
One question: how long have you been flying an A320? if I may ask…