Really? Take off and climb… try setting the autopilot. You will need a whole bunch of right aileron trim. Always. I just finished a flight, and only hand flew and needed this too. You can just see it more when on AP.
For takeoff, you need a lot of right rudder trim to counteract all the left-turning tendencies at high torque settings and low forward airspeed. There’s an indication for the proper TO setting. But you start to roll that out once airborne and as the aircraft accelerates. Then once at cruise, find the sweet spot and forget about it. Or just use the rudder itself if you want a leg workout.
But aileron? Haven’t had to touch it, with or without autopilot. I imagine at certain fuel or other weight imbalances it might come into play, but I haven’t had to use it.
And that’s standard fare for most turboprop singles, including the M500 and Kodiak within MSFS.
One of the two best single turbo props just got even better (FSR500 is the other IMO)
Great job Black Square! Super solid update, can’t be faulted
I have load with covers and chocks deployed enabled in the tablet but it doesn’t work. Every time I load up the aircraft, I have to manually set the covers and chocks which is kind of annoying that they have a non-functioning option for that.
Had the same happen.
Very nice update! I’ve noticed the torque response is still a bit slow and sluggish on the ground. As for a future update, a new sound set would be very welcome. Also, some flight model tweaks like yaw during climb etc. The plane also floats quite a bit during the landing flare, and feels like it’s struggling to lose airspeed and simply does not want to land but stay in the air. The autopilot could need a little bit of tuning when leveling off at altitude (it’s a bit harsh).
I agree that it needs a new sound pack. It doesn’t sound like a turboprop. No beta sound etc.
For you Air Manager users out there…
Here’s the nearly complete set of instruments updated to the latest version from Black Square.
In case you need an invite.
Does anyone know when it will be available for Steam MP (Xbox)? Boy, it looks like Black Square does not want my money, and I won’t buy Duke before this one.
Last I heard the 850 and Velocity XL were both submitted so awaiting Msobo, I would assume.
Whenever you buy it, you will wish that it would have been earlier.
I would like to buy TBM now, yesterday, a year ago… But BS only submited it by now. Checking every day, but nothing yet.
I would hit the Dukes hard for now then
Seriously cannot go wrong with the Dukes to pass the time until the 850 hits the MP.
It’s not that I wouldn’t like the Dukes, but I like to study the aircraft and prefer newer planes. If I already hadn’t the FSR500, FSW 414*, and BB 310R… but the TBM I only have included stock.
Planing to buy TBM now and maybe wait for blackfriday to check Learjet and Dukes, but I admit it’s hard to wait more.
The included TBM is nice. So perhaps something different rather than another TBM would be my thinking.
Hey guys, I’m looking for a study level personal ‘jet’, something that’s really for the very richest of rich to fly the world in style. But I really really want the study level with systems that can actually fail. Like the Hot Start 650 in xplane. I’ve come to realise the TBM 850 is my only option (other than the turbine duke)? It’s not a proper jet but at least it’s high and fast and has decent range. If there are other options I’d love to hear. But the TBM 850 at least looks absolutely stunning.
Not remotely trying to talk you out of anything Black Square but Lear 35 is a thing too, and not quite Black Square level but very good. Nottt sure how much it fails, I’m good at managing the plane my Black Square and A2A stuff almost never fails
Thanks, I should add that I really enjoy practicing failures and use the abnormal checklist, stuff like that. I don’t think the Lear 35 has failures at all.