Hi there, When I hit WINDOWS KEY +SHIFT+S and make a screenshot of something, Where does it go or what directory? In the Future if I make a few screenshots, I would like to know where it goes… Any help is greatly appreciated. TIA
I believe in you’re pictures folder.
That key combination is part of Snip & Sketch - a windows app.
The image does not save anywhere after using that combination. It only copies to the clipboard for you to paste or open in Snip & Sketch to save.
Thanks Hester
Hi there again…What I would like to do is make a couple of screenshots like I have seen in other posts that have like 3-5 different screenshots…What would be a better Screenshot utility that would do that?
I use the Windows Snipping Tool. You can copy what ever part of the screen you want and then just paste or save to wherever you want.
I keep a shortcut in the taskbar.
If you have the Xbox Game Bar installed, Winkey+Alt+PrtScn will take a snap of your active window. If that’s your sim, then you get a screenshot of that. It saves the shots to Videos\Captures.
If you just hit the “print screen” button it saves the image into your screenshots folder within pictures without having to pause or do anything else. You can then crop or resize it after you’ve finished flying. Nothing more complicated than that. You don’t need to use snip and sketch.
If you are on the Steam version, just hit F12. You can then see the screenshots on the games related page under game summery. If you left klick on an image and select “manage screenshots”, a window opens, where you click “show on disk” and you are at the folder location where Steam saves the screen shots for MSFS.
The advantage is, that F12 in steam ONLY captures the game content. So no potential overlayed windows are captured, keeping the screenshot clean (be aware: poped out flight instruments are also not shown since they are then external windows and no part of the renderpipeline for the main window anymore).
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