Mapping the Heading Hold Switch in the JustFlight Piper Arrow?

The JustFlight Arrow’s simple AP has heading hold rocker switch but it doesnt seem to be controlled by the standard “Ap Heading Hold” keybinding, which performs the same function in all other planes ive seen.

Anyone know whether its possible to keybind this rocker switch or does it HAVE to be done via mouse?


I have the turbo arrow and the keybind for “toggle autopilot heading hold” works. It flips the switch.

Oh yeah sure, the toggle function works. But i need the separate ON/OFF commands so i can map it to a switch that has 2 states.

Its Ctrl-Shift-H for me. Works in, for example, Cessna G1000, but not in the Arrow.

What interface software are you using? Is it an ON-ON or an ON-OFF switch?

I’m using TARGET but that’s not the point… I can’t even map the switch to a keyboard key!

The “Heading hold ON/Off” function doesnt flip the switch at all. But what else could it be?

I have it working on my AAO setup and Mobiflight with an Arduino. I’ll look up the code tomorrow and see what I’m using

Thanks. I checked and apparently the switch fires the following Simconnect event:

But the event doesnt trigger the switch. Let me know!

What’s AAO btw?

Axis And Ohs. Great interface software for MSFS 2020. It’s at

This is how I do the heading switch with AAO. I have my sim torn apart right now since I’m rewriting everything with Arduino and Mobiflight. The Heading Modes of HH,NAV, Omni, And LOC are different. I got these scripts from a user if you search that sight for AAO scripts for this plane you will find them. The L: values may be universal.

Thanks. Managed to fix it by finding the correct simvar via now!

What was it in spad

Sorry cant check right now. Something like AP_Heading_ON.

JustFlight answered my ticket. They see the problem and will fix it as part of the next patch.