Massive Sim 32 West to East Coast USA Tour Part 2

Welcome everyone and please see details for the next Monday Night online event - West to East USA Cross Country Tour Part 2. Please see below plan which will make up Leg 2 of the tour. 6 Short flights of approx 1.5 hours druation (Total) will make up Leg 2 KSZT to KHVR. Flight departs 9:30PM AEST/11:30AM UTC West USA Server. Please note we will have a short rest stop at KCTB (I’ve also noted some areas of interest that we will see on the trip). NOTAM Parts of the trip will require us to make FL9500ft and also due to the limitations of the multiplayer use of the new DC-6 it’s best to keep her in the hangar (hopefully resolved very soon) and join with a piston powered aircraft. I will be flying the Piper Turbo Arrow. See you all in the skies.

It’s recommended you join our discord link here so as to receive all comms and updated flight information.

Leg 2 Flight Plan here →
USA Leg 2.PLN (3.2 KB)

Entire Flight Plan → SKAGIT to BANGOR - West to East USA.PLN (15.5 KB)

NOTAM 2 - Please note that I will soon replace the attached FlightPlan with the Leg Plan only. West USA server

Event reminder…flight departs in 2 hours.

Event reminder. Flight leaving in 25 minutes. West USA server.