I would like to wish all of the team who run this site and Asobo a merry Xmas and happy new year. Thanks for all the constant effort and work that you put into this flight sim, you have made something to be very proud off so once again have a great Xmas and a safe 2021 to all of you and your families.
I’d also like to wish the Asobo and Microsoft Teams a very Merry Christmas and wish you success in the year to come. Thank you for bringing us MSFS. I appreciate it is a work in progress but it has brought me a lot of enjoyment since it was released.
I’d also like to wish the Sim community my best wishes for the season and look forward to the challenges and joys to come in the year ahead.
Merry Christmas everyone, and especially those at MS and Asobo who have worked so hard to deliver this sim and update it afterwards and are keeping on updating it. Have a very merry and safe time. Looking forward to even more flying and fun in 2021.
Yes, Merry Christmas to MS and Asobo who have brought us this next gen sim, to the devs (freeware and payware) who are bringing us exciting addons, to the Moderators who do a great job and give us free rein and help in our discussions and to fellow forum members who I may not necessarily always agree with but provide interesting different points of view on our flight sim and its progress.
I agree. Merry Christmas to one and all. I hope you all have a safe and happy holidays. We are all hoping for a Great New Year and I hope yours comes as fast as possible.
I’ll echo all those sentiments… take care everyone! And thanks Asobo and Microsoft for giving us all a great outlet for fun during this difficult time!