When starting fs2020 a message appears “Your computer does not meet the minimum requirements.
I have the fs2020 on a SSD 500gb drive, 16gb ram, i7 9700 processor and GTX 960 navidia graphics card.
I am considering another 16gb ram totalling 32gb and a GTX1660 card.
Would this overcome the problem?
Same problem here with 24GB RAM, SSD and i7. I guess it is mainly due to the GTX960 which is rather low-end.
Despite of this, MSFS runs better than FSX did… so I’m happy.
Thanks for the reply so a 1660 card looks a go get
I suspect it’s your graphics card that is the problem
the gtx1660 would do the job but I’d consider not buy extra ram and instead spend that money on the next level graphics card eg a RTX 2060 as it has more on board ram
Will consider that.
16GB should do fine, you could spend the money saved on a better graphics card. I have 32GB and never been over 16GB.
No, it’s not the Graphics card. I have the message too. And my System is i78600k, 32GB RAM, RTX3080
I think it’s some with Windows, my opinion.