MSFS installed a very small update today (a few KB). Does anybody know something about it?
Never got it on Standard Edition
I got small MSFS update yesterday after installing a Win 10 update. I assumed MSFS had to replace a small file after the Win 10 update made a change to the MSFS update log or version #.
Last night, 8.5hr flight over the Pacific, about to touchdown at KLAX, sim crashes.
Reboot sim and prompted with the update.
Have no clue what it was…assuming it was a hot fix.
I own standard version
For me it seems to have fixed the knob autorolling bug.
I flew two flights yesterday without the A320 rocking like a buoy in a hurricane (for the first time since the last update) so maybe it addressed that as well?
I am in a flight currently, Lungho, in the TBM, and the “ALT SEL” knob does not “always” increment by 100 feet like the VS dial does. The update did run on my computer this morning.
Now, I am not 100% positive that I exited out of the sim and went back in and that update was posted to my session.
After this flight I will exit and go back in for my next flight and will test the “ALT SEL” knob.
I did not see any auto update today. My FS started normally without any indication of an update.
No change for the “ALT SEL” knob in the TBM after update. I double checked.
Meridian: This may have only affected deluxe users? I think I saw something earlier about that. Maybe they loaded a different brand of toilet paper in the forward lavatory for first class?
12kb - Was not much.
I got it and I’m on standard edition MS store. Version number is still
What file does it change or add?
I just had this happen and not sure checking the packages folder microsoft-pgg-japan was updated. Not sure what it was but sounds like related to the world update japan?
Yep, around 29kb on standard edition
very likely what that was because after windows update I had the same minor update in the sim
Deluxe user here - no updates since last update number 6
i haven’t update, and i havetnt new+ position in the forum, and in content manager i got some addons with notification “need more new version for update”
and i haven’t fs-base-propdefs… is it must be for betta vr version? but in any way i hadn’t any update from patch 5
Just opened the sim and haven’t been prompted for anything
fs-base-propdefs is in the MSFS install folder (where the FlightSimulator.exe is) And those updates in the content manager will be downloadable when the new patch is availale.
copy, thank you