Microsoft Air Crash Investigation

Hi there flight fans!
Here a simple suggestion for MSFS developers.
I know how much you are trying to provide us with a FS to include every addon necessary for earlier FS. For instance, weather engines, weather simulations, ground texturings, aircraft texturings, and a logn etcetera, and it is really welcome.
We understand there is much to be done yet, but there is an addon nobody has -as long as I know- developed yet and that would be greatly useful, mainly for newcomers! And, following your policy might well not be an add-on but an integrated part of a future update of MSFS!
This is an Air Crash Investigator.
Many times, mainly when I was a newbie in FS my plane became engulfed in flames or it just entered an unrecovable spin or simply crashed during an attempt of landing. I reviewed all the steps and many times just never knew why the airplane had got into that very behavior.
Sometimes I remembered I had forgotten to ease engine vents or I simply had forgotten to watch engine gauges. Other times I simply forgot to watch the weather before landing, but many times I remained without an answer. Was it me the one who failed? Was it the simulator? Was it the random failures system??
How useful would be a sub-system inside MSFS which at least gave us some clues about what has happened in an educational manner in a way to learn from our own mistakes!
What do you think about the idea. It would certainly be a hard challenge! But challenges are there to be assumed.


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There are multiple ACARS-type of apps that log this information, to get access to some of them you may not even need to join a Virtual Airline.

From Asobo, a great start would be the glaring omission of flight recording/Replay mode.

I think for now you can use a combination of TacView and @FSFlyingSchool’s to get an idea of what you are doing or have done wrong. Take a look at the some of the things FSFlyingSchool can do: for analysis and for example of the logbook.

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Thanks @EvidencePlz for suggesting FSFlyingSchool for MS Flight Simulator.

Just to let everyone know we have a free demo so you can try before you buy :blush:

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