Had a great sim session yesterday, flew around in VR for a while. Today, completely unplayable. Keeps crashing on me. Aircraft library doesnt load, had to reboot PC. Then trying to start a flight, i get multiple CTD’s. Just unbelievable how poorly tested this sim is. They had a beta test that lasted literally one weekend only. No other formal beta testing at all.
They had better fix these issues as all reviews online are panning and completely destroying any credibility MS and Asobo have had, for how poorly this FS2024 much-hyped launch has gone. Completely random CTD’s. Usually sound pasues first, and then after a 210 second freeze, a random CTD.
Was working quite good and did multiple flights all weekend. Now I load the sim and as soon as I mess around in the menu, the sound starts chopping up/stuttering and then freezes. I have to then End Task and close it. I’ve uninstalled, reinstalled multiple times, no mods in Community folder, no idea what is causing this.
Agreed … it certainly isn’t aligned with it being …
" The Most expensive Flight Simulator so far(Aviator version) "
I am beginning to wonder if Boeing may have been involved in it’s production … I have the odd wonderful flight after an hour of sitting and restarting the sim hoping it will work “this time” followed by mulitple random CTD/Hangs/Freezes etc
Currently it’s the Microsoft Fail Simulator 2024 in my book
Similar situation here. Since the hot fix, my sim has been even more broken than on launch day. I load the sim and click too many menu buttons, Crash to Desktop. I try to select the A330 and pick an included livery for a flight, sim freezes and CTD. I emptied the Community Folder and relaunched, same thing. I uninstalled and started again with a newly reinstalled completely vanilla 2024 sim…same problems. Too unstable to use.
I recognize that this is a highly ambitious flight simulator and that this is likely to get better over time, but it’s just not ready yet. I feel like customers are now being used as Beta testers while there are still too many bugs to make the sim enjoyable. That said, this is very much in the Microsoft tradition (I am a Mac user for everything but flight sim, can’t stand Microsoft’s products most of the time) and I suppose we should expect this type of quality or lack thereof as a matter of course. I can’t help but feeling very disappointed and will likely keep using MSFS 2020 for the foreseeable future, certainly until another “fix” is issued for this latest “fix.” Good luck everyone!
Very glad to hear! Unfortunately, that strategy didn’t work for me… I think there may also be something else in the latest “hot fix” that broke the sim in other ways. I really hope an actual fix is released soon to fix the “fix.”
Just installed the sim to give it a try. Updated Nvidia drivers to the latest version. I5 13600KF 32GB PC3600 RTX3080TI. MSFS 2024 CTDs every time. Sometimes before getting to the startup page, sometimes on the settings page. If I skip through all of the settings, I can load into a free flight, but the sim freezes followed by a ctd as soon as I advance the throttle. Glad I only paid $1 to try this on Game Pass. MSFS 2020 works perfectly on my system including with complex addons.
I’m quite disappointed with the game.
Every time I try to launch it, the game starts, but it crashes to the desktop when the loading bar reaches about 54%.
I’ve followed all the troubleshooting steps from all reports, but nothing has improved.
It’s really unfortunate to have paid 220€ for the Aviator Edition and not be able to play it.
So what ???
I feel it. I have had the application almost a week and I still haven’t been able to keep it from crashing. I shutdown all startup services. Trying to run from the KEYBOARD to see if it was my ThrustMaster Boeing Yoke and throttles. I have reviewed the event viewer to try to track the error codes. I found that I needed to uninstall a Gameinput application because it was competing with GameInput service. I have updated Win 11 twice and re0nstalled the simulator 3 times.3
I am at my wits end. Below is the latest error log. Can someone please give me some ideas on what to do?!! I am not sure what to do. My PC is well equipped to run this application.
I wouldn’t know how to ‘remove’ anything from such folder, since… I haven’t got that folder on my PC (for what concerns MSFS 2024; for MSFS 2020 I well know where it is, since it’s some 470’ Gigs a folder on a dedicated SSD). That is, it WOULD be there if I ever managed to install the Sim 2024 in its entirety, but since I cannot even start to set it up (because as soon as I click on settings the program crashes to desktop), I wouldn’t know where such a folder could be. I have been having CTDs since day 1, as a matter of fact…
I almost envy people who managed to at least take a peek at the simulator. I prepurchased the Aviator Edition and never even “saw” it. Pity…
Even in FS2024, i get the same crash that i was getting in FS2020. I feel like they repackaged the sim, increased terrain/ ground graphics a bit , increased/ changed lighting a bit, gave us a walk around and avatar, and everything else / bugs included, is all the same.
Im getting this dreaded 0xc00005 fault. I tried enormously to fix this in my FS2020, but would randomly have CTD’s. I am getting the exact same in FS2024!
Very frustrating that they cant fix how buggy this game is.
I had it too, at the moment its gone, perhaps changing graphic slider from ultra to high. Its difficult to find out the reason, but i think its the game graphic machine its a bit unstable and have to change.
Yeees, I was starting to think it was just my problem.
Zendesk have only provided generic Windows fixes, as if that was the case.
However, there’s a new update coming, fingers crossed.
This morning, fresh mind, happy face, let’s see if lowering the Pcores frequency and the amps… crashed as it finished loading, this time with yet another message, that DIGIX or something, the one that goes, this crash is caused by something (it lists random stuff).
By the way, are we all crashing humans on Intel, or both congregations have been welcomed to this domsday prep?