Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 crashes

Most crashes and loading problems I’ve found are to do with incompatible 2020 libraries, if you select one of those then exit the sim it tries to load it as your fault plane or location.

You can get around this by looking at your cache to see whats being loaded and then putting a blank folder of the same name as the package into your community folder.

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You say “it’s driver related”. But, “driver” of what? Video drivers are completely up to date. I check many times every day, even if I usually receive notifications from Nvidia GeForce Experience/Windows if there were any. So I cannot understand what you are referring to, when speaking about ‘drivers’. I also check continuously if there are Windows updates, as well of course as if there are any MSFS 2024 updates signalled within XBox application. There is not any update available at the moment. I myself am afraid that this COULD BE a matter of drivers of some kind, but since I have all the drivers completely up to date, mine is just speculation (just like yours, and forgive me for being blunt; I apologise: wouldn’t want to appear rude). I have removed and re-installed the Sim from scratch countless times, even on different NVME SSDs (from disk C to disk D and even now I am rying a rotary HD which is a 10K rpm, so it’s fast but still N times slower than an SSD), I have ‘repaired’ the app via XBox countless times. I also renamed the MSFS 2020 “Community” folder to be on the safe side and… no go! Seems to me that it is the Sim 2024 by itself having troubles in writing the settings. Seems to me that as soon as I ‘touch’ a setting and click ‘OK’ in the yelo-ish rectangle in the lower right corner of the Sim’s window, the Sim simply crashes. Perhaps it’s a matter of privileges in wiring certain data on the disk in certain areas, such as the AppData folder, I dont know, again I am freely speculating, but all in all, seems to me that it is the App itself (that is, the MSFS 2024 application) the faulty one, here. So my only hope here, for what I can understand (I am quite dumb when it comes to Windows; if I know something, I know about macOS, certainly not Windows), is that MS released some kind of update in the (hopefully next) future. Luckily my MSFS 2020 continues to work perfectly. For everything else concerning MSFS 2024, seems my hands are tied…
Than you. Cheers,

Same for me except will stutter and crash on main menu even if I touch nothing


Yeah, same here. If I do let the Sim load, when it arrives at the main menu, it does nothing and it quits whatever I am (or am NOT) doing, also considering leave it there to do its own thing by itself. Seems really that it is the application per se that is terriby bugged… All this is annoying and sad. :confused:


My sim does not have any yellow rectangle to OK when changing settings.
If I have the main settings screen up, I have a “Save and Back” button bottom left, and if I use the on screen menu to select control settings there is no button needed to save, just make the changes and go back to the aircraft.

Are you thinking of the Start Flight button which is bottom right?
If so and the sim CTD’s when started, you may have a mod conflict, especially if you had Marketplace items in FS2020.
These are streamed to you now in FS2024, and may be causing a conflict.

Nice. First time hearing that limiting bandwidth will help. Will surely try. But MSFS itself saying ideally we need 100mb/s rite ?

I am on Xbox S I always crashes after 1 hour ( 42GB rolling cache ) in ATR & other demanding aircraft: I am not sure but i think smaller aircraft like Cessna 152 works better for longer duration.

I was referring to either out of date drivers or a driver conflict.

If your drivers are all up to date and repair / reset does not work, then I have no other suggestions for you, sorry.

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I’m experiencing crashing issues just like you. The problem decreased when I closed Rivatuner, but it wasn’t fully resolved. MSFS 20 is still installed on my computer; could there be a conflict?

Thank you. You are right, I am referring to a yellow-ish rectangle in the lower right corner of the window that displays a writing of some kind (cannot remember the exact content, though). Whenever I click in there to establish a change into the Sim’s settings, most likely the Sim crashes to desktop and kisses me goodbye. I have managed to atcually see with my own eyes the “Community” folders of both simulators. They are not the same one, as they are well separated. They reside in different locations. While my “community” folder for MSFS 2020 is some 470 Gigs of stuff and full of things (bought from the Marketplace or elsewhere, or got for free, like liveries etc.), it is a different folder than the one of MSFS 2024, which is basically (not to say “definitey”) empty, excluding perhaps the Navigraph stuff from Navigraph Hub, which is a tiny piece of software related to navigation and avionics as I am sure you know: so, nothing fancy. This way I guess no MOD conflict is being found at all (but I have also emptied such folder to be on the safe side, for launch testing purposes). Anyway thanks for the piece of advice: very much appreciated. :slight_smile:

Do not worry, and thank you for your concerns. You’ve been kind anyway, which I really appreciate. Let’s hope in MS releasing some kinda update ASAP. I guess it’s going to be the only solution after all. Crossing my fingers, here… :sweat_smile:

The game’s been pretty stable for me on startup and most career missions. However, anything over an hour seems to cause a ctd the second my wheels touch the runway (every medevac mission that didn’t involve rerouting because of the patient). Just spent over 2 hours on a 500 mile flight in a C208, everything running fine. The instant I touched down, the game crashed. Third or fourth time this has happened, it happens with long ferry flights too. When I skip, it hasn’t crashed, but I get 1,400 credits instead of the 32,000 advertised when starting.

I get CTD whenever i try to load into a default airport. Using third party airports or de handcrafted ones i don’t have any trouble

RJOO default airport gave me crashes. I downloaded a freeware one for 2020 and loaded that up into 2024 and it loaded with no problem

If it is a mod conflict, it is with your FS2020 Marketplace addons that are now automatically streamed to you in FS2024.
If you do have FS2020 Marketplace addons, there is a workaround for it.

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Yet to complete a single flight. Closest i’ve got is just now, CTD on approach into Heathrow.

Faulting application name: FlightSimulator2024.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x00000000
Faulting module name: FlightSimulator2024.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x00000000
Exception code: 0xc0000005
Fault offset: 0x00000000037a9676
Faulting process id: 0x0x7B20
Faulting application start time: 0x0x1DB40B4B3F8F4F0
Faulting application path: C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.Limitless_1.1.9.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe\FlightSimulator2024.exe
Faulting module path: C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.Limitless_1.1.9.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe\FlightSimulator2024.exe
Report Id: 1ccbf630-3874-4621-9df5-a22e60f1d8ef
Faulting package full name: Microsoft.Limitless_1.1.9.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe
Faulting package-relative application ID: App

I have very frequent CTD’s that are unpredictable.

No idea what is happening.
i did a fresh windows 11 install and the game keeps crashing.

32GB ram
1Gb connection

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Hello, I had the same error as you, personally I just had to change the date and time on my pc so that they were correct.

Unfortunately I am getting crashes nearly every free flight, the game will just randomly lock up. It’s a shame because when it does work it’s fantastic and has ruined some great flights :frowning:

Excuse me but, what on earth are :no_mouth:you talking about?

Morning officer!

Care to elaborate and give clear instructions for all the rest of us, mortals?
Thanks in advance.

I’m about to update Zendesk with all the steps I’ve done to try and solve my crashes.
From ERASING C drive and install Windows 11 from scratch and then apply ALL updates.
To a clean install of FS2024 with nothing else but the Nvidia drivers.
To the last stretch… I BOUTHG NEW RAM!
So, good deal at Amazon and got two 16gb DDR5 6000 modules.
Swapped and for a few minutes I thought that was it, until…
yes, it crashed again.

So there you have it, it’s the sim, period.
Thanks for Watching the show.