Microstutter associated with execution of ATC text and voice

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Brief description of the issue: A stutter frequently occurs immediately before ATC speech & text executes. It is often associated with the static sound often heard when ATC’s microphone is turned off after the end of the text/speech execution. As some know a fix was developed to solve this called the ‘ATC Stuttering Fix’ which restricted the number of lines of text to four, and the newest lines would appear while the oldest would be dropped off so that there were always only 4 lines showing. It worked quite well overall, but then you lose prior lines of ATC text if you wish to scroll back and view those, so this solution was better than none, but suboptimal. Please address this persistent source of stutter once and for all. I’ve brought it up in zendesk 3x now, always says ‘Solved’ but it’s never been solved.

Provide Screenshot(s)/video(s) of the issue encountered: N/A

Detail steps to reproduce the issue encountered: Just look out the window at any point in a flight, taxi, etc and carefully observe when ATC text and speech executes.

PC specs and/or peripheral set up of relevant: 9900K/32G DDR4/3080ti

Build Version # when you first started experiencing this issue: This has been present since initial release, Aug 2020.

I can confirm this issue. I started to experience it some days ago and initially I thought it was caused by scenery loading in big cities but it´s cleary happening as you explained: Azure ATC + static noise. I started to pay attention to this because some days ago there were some Azure online services disconnections while flying. I don´t use any mod nor fix, just the standard ATC with Azure.

If you fly low in an area with several ATC handovers like Tokyo this is clearly noticeable. There is where I noticed the effect for the first time some days ago.


Thank you for your confirmation. This is one of those things that somehow flies under the radar, which surprises me as I noticed it from day one and have tried my best to rally support to get it solved. The socalled ATC StutterFix stopped working w/ SU7 so I’m seeing it more again hence this bug submission. I just yesterday tried reducing Windows audio quality to CD quality, 16bit/44000Hz, whereas I noticed it was set at Studio Quality 24Bit/48000Hz in Sound > Playback > Speaker (Properties) > Advanced and it seems to be helping some, but not completely, with the idea being it’s a small audio file being processed so might have lower impact.

The problem is Azure I think. At least on my case the issue is reproduced when there is static noise in the radio and for some reason this does not happen all the times, even if the static noise setting is active always. When there´s no static noise in the audio then the microfreezes don´t reproduce.


Has anybody tried disabling Azure and simply using the Windows voice packs?
Does this have an impact on the stutter?

I tried Offline Speech a long time ago and I want to see it did not change issue, but I’ll try again. I think I have found something that is helping though not perfectly, mentioned above. Try it and see for if it helps:

Change Windows audio quality to CD quality, 16bit/44000Hz, whereas I noticed it was set at Studio Quality 24Bit/48000Hz in Sound > Playback > Speaker (Properties) > Advanced

I tried it and I’m pretty sure it’s better but doesn’t eliminate stutter completely. What I wonder is if there are better voice packs for flying. I think what I’m using is default as I don’t recall downloading any voice packs.

Is it possible to disable the “text on screen” when ATC talks? It’s enough for me when i have the ATC window open to read it there.


these one ?

The thing is: i can’t find anything called subtitels!? where exactly do i have to look?

Try assistance - miscellaneous


Options → General Options → Accessibility → Subtitle

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I am going to try this but set to one setting lower than CD. Aviation radios use a band of frequencies just a little higher than that of FM radio and don’t even have CD quailty! It is usually the end of an ATC message that gets hung and seems to wait for the static to end.