Milviz C310R Official Thread

I hope it comes to 2024, so much for “all your add ons, if purchased on the marketplace will be available on day 1”. Does anyone have it working in 2024 who didn’t purchase it through the marketplace?


The 310R shows up in my marketplace, but is marked as Not Available.
Milviz/Blackbird seem to be completely silent with updates

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Tried it in SU1 beta - 2024. Seems to be working fine - they have fixed some screen brightness issues.

Bought from Milviz/Blackbird site.

Did you fly the test version released on November 20th or the latest stable release?

No idea. Just logged in to Blackbird and DL.
Very little info of version number etc on the page tbh…

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We have not authorized it from the marketplace yet, because the customization based on tail number does not work in 2024. The other issues with cockpit lighting/instruments/glass were solved by Asobo and their compatibility fixes.

We hope to have a fix, but currently I have no ETA as it requires substantial code changes.

If you purchased direct from us, that small fix in November was only a change to the WASM module to allow it to run in 2024 (must be a non debug WASM)


I flew with a working C130 in the beta today. Downloaded the new pm50 and it seems to work fine. Glass screens are fully visible now. Good progress!

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Yes, Asobo does seem to be making some headway on the backwards compatibility stuff.


Goods news and godspeed to you during this awful time of transition. Flew the 310 in 2020 last week to take in the Florida sun and have some fun. Would purchase it again in 24 down the line when 24 is stable/usable on Series X. Cheers!