Missing Airport LFLC


An airport in France is missing. That of Clermont-Ferrand Auvergne ICAO code : LFLC

GPS coordinates : 45.785780, 3.163530

Tell me if you have it or not


Hey, welcome to the forums! :wave:

There are currently a lot of missing airports from the simulator and LFLC has been reported as missing already to the team a few times. See this topic: Reporting on Airport Issues - #104 by Crysprod

Hopefully they will look into it soon and add these missing airports. Some airports are missing for a number of specific reasons though. You can also submit any further airport issues you encounter to support at Zendesk and they can take a look.

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Thanks a lot

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I was about to report the same thing. Good to see that there is a list to get a fix soon :slight_smile:

This item was delivered as part of World Update 1 (1.9.3).