Missing MSFS2020 Rollover Edition Planes in Career ( Citation Longitude )

According to FAQ - owners of Premium/Premium Deluxe editions of MSFS 2020 will have all their aircraft rollover into MSFS2024.

Since this is complicated thing to explain with my autism, I will explicitly use the CITATION LONGITUDE as my example.

Firstly - the FAQ says this:

Secondly - this - assuming previous edition rollover planes are included:

As it does not indicate if this also includes rollover planes from MSFS2020.

However - this does not seem to be accurately represented in sim.
A number of my MSFS2020 Premium/Premium deluxe planes are missing in MSFS2024 - but some career planes are also affected.

So the rollover planes does show for FREE FLIGHT.

This affects Career Mode more than free flight.

  • According to FAQ, I should also have all of my MSFS Premium Deluxe aircraft included.
  • According to FAQ, I should see the Citation Longitude in career.
  • I have access to CJ4 in career - and can see 787.
  • Some of my Rollover Planes from MSFS2020 are available in FREE FLIGHT in MFS2024 - including the CITATION LONGITUDE, 787, C152 Aerobat, DA42, G58, etc.

So to clarify - I own Citation via Rollover from 2020, But this bug also affects other planes ( shock ultra ).

- I do not have access to the CITATION LONGITUDE in Career.

  • I DID have access to the Citation Longitude in Career previously - in November.
  • I do have access to it in Free flight.

Before anyone says only standard edition is available in career

  • Other players have access to their Citation Longitudes - which is not a Standard Edition Plane - and the FAQ is incorrect in this regard because SAAB340 and some others are currently usable from higher editions.

jep exactly the same here

it was available but then disappeart… its shoking that we only have a handfull of planes in career… its a fullprice game and it feels like early access…
i realy hope they add way more planes into career and also the premium deluxe 2020 planes into career very soon…