Missing wind turbines

Anybody pointed out if it is possible to add missing wind turbines by hand? Can a wind turbine be found as selectable object? If yes, where?

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Yes it can in the scenery option in the drop down for different tools in the SDK. Just search windmill in the search box.

I added about 30 missing ones in my recent Japan world update enhancement add-on.

Hi Dorrager,

Iā€™m not really familiar with the SDK option, I only use it (I think) to view the FPS count. If I understand you correctly you are talking about the ā€œdevelopper modeā€ right?
Could you tell me how to decrease the amount of wind-turbines?

Thanks in advance

Good luck trying but as far as I can tell they are not something you can exclude in the SDK. I have three huge turbines in an area that in real life exists but are a lot smaller, I tried everything to exclude them and nothing worked.

they are grows under rain and sun

Yeah to add them you have to open developer mode then start new project.
As said above not sure itā€™s possible to remove wind turbines already in game as I tried at one of the docks on the river Thames, as there was group of them all to close together.
quick vid of how to start a project.

On the topic of wind turbines, can someone explain Asobo that wind turbines have a constant speed system and they wonā€™t spin like crazy at high windspeeds :sweat_smile:.

Thanks for the vid which is very interesting.

I had hoped it was just a ā€˜markā€™ I could uncheck to ad- or remove objects, but itā€™s a bit more complicated than that.
Anyway, I hope you can achieve your goals of adding missing turbines, working with the SDK.
Thanks again :wink:

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