Mixture Issues with Prop Planes

hmmm… at this moment, with the M20R at angle 6 :

  • 100% full rich : 0.4 GH fflow : shows -3HP :wink: → stall
  • 99% - 2.0 GH → stall
  • 98% - 5.1 GH → EGT 800 minimal power to not stall
  • stepwise lean to 54% - stepwise increasing to 14.6 GH → EGT 1445 blue
  • 50% - 14.4 GH → EGT 1485
  • 30% - 12.3 GH → EGT 1539
  • 20% - 9 GH → EGT 1425 blue → my choice for the moment

thus, as you say’d… if to rich for the high, there is also less fflow… okay… but never noticed it in this range…

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