More Graphic Settings for the Xbox version

I would love more options for graphics on Xbox. And I did vote for this.

But alas, the core issue on Xbox right now seems to be hardware related and it means the TLOD can not (yet) be turned up much at all. And while most graphical settings are handled by primarily the GPU, TLOD is CPU throttled. This can slow FPS no matter what you do to other GPU driven graphics settings. When the CPU end is the bottleneck, it governs FPS and when the GPU is the bottleneck, it governs the FPS. Right now our issues appear to leave us bottlenecked by the CPU/RAM end of things, and we simply do not yet have access to all the Xbox hardware resources MSFS 2024 was built to use. So right now, MSFS Xbox is stunted by an odd hardware limitation that must be patched by MS before Asobo can improve things.

2020 is similarly stunted on Xbox right now, and the step back in quality from SU14 to SU15 on Xbox has been quite the controversy. Xbox lost a lot of LOD, and a fix is promised in the next update after MS patches the hardware. This appears to be a similar issue if not the same in 2024, something requiring the devs to severely throttle LOD just to be able to get the sim to work.

This leaves me thinking, for now, even with extra graphics sliders, or different resolution options, the core performance issue on Xbox is system related, not graphics related, and it seems to relate to CPU optimization, RAM optimization, and TLOD. So that would still need patching before we can see real improvements. Search for GDK on these forums for more info.

While I doubt MS would ever give us a bunch of graphical sliders on console, right now, something else is holding the Xbox hardware back with MSFS, and once fixed, performance should noticeably improve. Hopefully fidelity too. Especially on Series X. As on a low/mid spec PC, MSFS 2024 runs about as well if not better than 2020 did, and folks remember how good 2020 looked on a Series X back with SU14 before LOD got nerfed.

2024 simply is running too good on low and mid spec PCs right now, at least performance wise, I mean it is still a mess of bugs… and clearly something is off with the Xbox hardware that is preventing it from performing like a similar spec PC.

That needs patching before GPU heavy graphics sliders could make much of a difference for us. And THEN, after patching, other graphics sliders on Xbox might finally show real benefits.

I know the OP suggested earlier that I had strayed from the topic by mentioning this. It does seem counterintuitive at first glance, but it is important, as it would likely prevent the OP’s suggestion from having any real tangible impact until fixed.


Your points are valid but the introduction of the dynamic LOD was to prevent memory leaks mainly for very complex aircraft such as airliners. There are many bush pilots which weren’t affected at all by CTD or black avionics but still they were forced to deal with a downgraded graphic after WU 14-15. It was a fiasco ( we’re still waiting a fix for the SDK ) and the feedback very harsh from the Xbox comunity. Something they could simply avoid by introducing a graphic preset for bush pilots ( without dynamic LOD ) and one for airliners ( with dynamic LOD ). They didn’t. Not only that, but with MFS 2024 they even removed the only graphic options we had like the slider density for aircraft, fauna and cars.

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The bad/good thing is those traffic sliders have less of an impact in 2024 than in 2020, so they found a more efficient way to do traffic. You would still see a small boost switching them off but not like in 2020. 2024 traffic is more Xbox friendly.

But being able to switch it off sure would reduce a lot of annoying last second pop in.

2024 is just so undercooked right now and not quite ready for release. Worse on Xbox right now than PC but not too much.

They don’t appear to have the Xbox hardware working with 2024 the way they had intended by release.

It has been clear to me since early on with 2020 a Performance and Quality setting would really help the folks on console. Trying to make one size fits all dynamic solution is cool. But why not a two sizes fits all dynamic solution?

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