Heh, I bought it the other day as it has gone on sale. I really like it. I do think that MSFS’s water physics really let it down though. I hate how even a small breeze make it feel like your maneuvering on ice. It’s much much better than the included iniBuilds version however. I especially like opening the windows for take-off, that sound!
Yeah it’s a fun one. Good to know it’s much better than the included one, don’t think I’ve ever even flown it I bought the Big Radials one before the 40th Anniversary update.
The not amazing water physics don’t help but do keep in mind that seeing as Geese(Gooses…?) don’t have a water rudder(although there’s the option to have a pretend one on the EFB in the big radials not that I use it) and clearly have a lot of windage so to some extent that might be pretty accurate, I bet they’re not easy at all to handle on the water at low speeds IRL. Differential throttle is definitely your friend. I really hope 2024 has a good water physics update, floatplanes are right up my alley but I don’t fly float as much as I would because of the water physics.
The sounds are phenomenal, I leave the windows open on takeoff too.
Still, if A2A released a radial at the standard of the Comanche I’d immediately pay over $100 if that’s what they were charging. No one else nails the character of an old plane like they do(and I have actually flown a Comanche) and old radial powered stuff has the most character of anything.
Yeah I guess. But it’s even a struggle in float planes with a rudder (or using the invisible rudder in the Goose). I don’t think a 3kt wind should have such a pronounced effect on the plane as it does imo. I would love to do more water ops (Return to Misty Moorings freeware is excellent) but I get so annoyed that it’s almost impossible to position yourself correctly in the water. Surely it can’t be that bad IRL. And we need a built-in anchor, the one in the Goose seems to be for aesthetics only and the one in the Beaver can only be dropped when engine is off.
I mean to some extent I bet it is, especially at low speeds. Dunno if you’ve ever operated boats but light boats with planing hulls(which all float/flying boats basically are) are a handful in the wind at low speed, and those have a lot less windage than any floatplane or flying boat, not to mention propulsion comes the back under the water not the front over it. I mean, not disagreeing that the MSFS2020 water physics are pretty bad but I imagine float planes are not easy to handle though never even been on one myself. I live in Oregon and Kenmore in Seattle has a floatplane discovery flight for $150 in a Super Cub or 172 I just have to do that sooner or later.
Yeah true. Boats are quite susceptible to wind, that’s a good point. It’s difficult to judge cus I’ve obviously never piloted a float plane. At the very least we need more options in the sim. For example some sort of bollard that the plane can knock up against at docks without mounting the entire dock! And then a “tie to dock” or “anchor” button of some sort to stabilize the plane when in position. Anything that makes water ops a little more manageable and thus fun.
I wonder if this is migrating to 2024, seems like a good premium edition choice
And development currently seems to be a bit more on the down low than you’d think it would be. Obviously their Cirrus Jet is in the new sim…
I’m waiting for the Topmachstudios B-2 Spirit and T-7 Redhawk… RKM Studios AH-64 Apache… DC Designs SU-27… but most anticipated is the B-2 Spirit…and a non official B-1B Lancer. All for the Xbox! Of course.
Actually. I would love a 727. Something I grew up with since I was a sprout. I had a 4 foot model of one.
I see this aircraft popping up on Flghtradar24 quite regularly here in the UK , seems like a rare beast.
Oooo shes pretty
I’m looking forward to the Lockheed Jetstar. I’m usually a radial driver in the sim and don’t touch jets often but there’s something about the looks of the Jetstar that intrigues me. I wonder if it will be possible to have the version that Ed Swearingen modified to get an extra 1,000 miles of range and made it quieter. Other than that though I feel like I have plenty of aircraft to keep me happy for awhile.
Wonder what happened to that, I was really excited about it, held of getting the IF one as I wanted the GR cockpit layout. The last development update was over a year ago.
I’m not the only one on the A2A forum who’s asked that a good radial be given their treatment.
A Cessna 195 would be awesome:
As would a Spartan 7W Executive:
Or a Waco YMF-5:
But alas, they’re giving us another piston plane, the ‘Piper’ Aerostar 600. Not that it’s a bad thing…
id like a good Concorde for FS 2024
The a220 that inibuilds is working with
Definitely the Avanti from FFX🇮🇹
Well, yeah!
I was trying to err on the side of conservative.
If we’re going to just go from relatively simple piston GA to full bore Stratocruiser then, yeah, let’s gooo!
The lounge better be full featured!