hi guys, i have some scenes for msfs, but don’t remember all of them except mount rushmore, that i delete after 7update, what else scenes you disable what interference with new usa update?
thank you
p.s. if that possible, could be Asobo/ms be so kind, to tracking scenes addons and add them to the list of recomendation to uninstall in the update patch list… please
Why is this a bug?
no, i think it’s can not be a bug, but i think update will looks better, so just curious what addons better be disable after usa update
I have moved your topic out of Wishlist and into General Discussion.
The full list of points of interest is available at flightsimulator.com. Whenever there is a new release, you will find a new post called “Release Notes” on the flightsimulator.com home page. Here are the release notes for and World Update II:
thank you very much
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