Anyone find the Mouse active area for controlling Knob, id “OFF” in some views & zoom levels.
This was never an issue in FSX, but in MSFS, unless you are quite highly zoomed into the cockpit, and have the correct “view”, the Mouse seems unable to interact with the Panel controls.
Also, on Con-Centric Knobs, often the turn arrows are the same size between inner & outer parts of the knobs, on others, they are the expected different size.
Even when they are different sizes, that difference is so small, one can’t really tell, without going back & forth between them, if you are on the inner (small) or outer (bugger) turn arrow.
Better visibility into this issue would be provided, if the Dev Console could turn on an Indication of the active areas (as one could in FSX)
Mouse control of the cockpit instruments is very hit-and-miss, unless you are highly zoomed in … Once again, this was not an issue in FSX, so it could be far better in MSFS.
Wonder how the VR guys are getting on with this ??? I guess we will find out soon enough if it is a problem in VR as well