Mouse click in free look

Didn’t find anythig related so just asking here.

When I look around in the cockpit with the right mouse button, I sometimes end up clicking stuff as soon as I let go of the button. I’ts really annoying.

Is there a way to stop that from happening?

I have mine set up so I must right click AND scroll wheel to zoom, scroll wheel click to go into mouselook, click again to come out of it. This has stopped the problem of accidentally zooming while turning knobs

I’m not talking about accidentally zooming while trying to turn a knob.

It’s about accidentally clicking somewhere while letting go the right mouse button.

Freelooking in the KingAir for example often results in clicking on the touchpanels as you let go of the right mouse button, activating stuff you didn’t want to.

I use HOLD instead of TOGGLE, so this never happens to me.

Finally, someone is having the same issue I’m having. For some reason, the right click interacts with the touch screen. I’ll be looking around using the hold to free look with my right-click and if my mouse is over the touch screen while doing so, it moves the map or hits a button on the screen.

I’ve even tested it where I hold my mouse over the compass on the touch screen and right-click, it splits the screen and brings up the menu just in the same way as if I were to left-click.

It’s super annoying as I fly with my left hand and use the mouse to look around at the same time.

Has anyone come up with a solution to the problem?