Mouse cursor permanently visible, close to face on switching to VR or starting flights

As the title states, when switching to VR or when starting a new flight when already in VR the mouse cursor is visible very close to my face and stays in the corner of my eyes as I look around. It does not disappear until I move the mouse

Have others experienced this? Has this been posted about somewhere I haven’t found? Thank you

I have the same experience. I like how you can turn it off in Xplane.

I too would like to have the mouse cursor didappear when not needed.

It appears that the solution to get the mouse pointer to disappear in VR, is to press the scroll wheel on your mouse. Pressing it again will return the pointer to the screen when needed.

This works fine for me.

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Thank you! I’ll give that a try.

It will also disappear if you don’t move the mouse for a few seconds

Not in my experience of late. It sits there glaring at me.

Thank you again @CinnamonInk8010 I found that this indeed works in VR.