is it normal when the mouse focus is changed to an other window that the frame rate increases? In my case about 15 frames per second?. Also the Limited by main thred changes to limited by main thread and gpu alternately.
is it normal when the mouse focus is changed to an other window that the frame rate increases? In my case about 15 frames per second?. Also the Limited by main thred changes to limited by main thread and gpu alternately.
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Yes, there’s no magic behind that and it’s a normal Windows behaviour. When you click outside MSFS window the rendering priority goes elsewhere, either to another application you clicked on or even to Windows desktop in case you clicked on an empty desktop area in a multimonitor setup for instance. In any of those cases MSFS just keeps running as a background application.
Don´t forget to click back on MSFS whenever you manipulate anything outside game´s window or you won´t get rendering priority back to MSFS. If not done always then the optimal performance will be lost.
What you’re talking about is the opposite of what the OP is stating though: they’re saying and showing in their video that they are getting more FPS in MSFS when it is the non-focussed window.
No, I know what he meant because I face this situation frequently as I use a second monitor to run other apps while flying. I can also get 120 fps readings if I click on Windows desktop or any other apps while game is running. That´s because rendering went to Windows desktop or to those apps. You will always get more fps in that case but this reading is not showing what is being rendered in game.
To restore rendering priority back to MSFS you always need to click back on it. After that, performance will drop and that new fps reading will be the correct one again. Game is using a borderless window and this has been the case since FS9/FSX era. It´s not a fullscreen exclusive game.
I changed my mouse pointer color in Windows to black some time ago to avoid forgetting this. When you see a black pointer you need to click on MSFS window again because desktop or other apps are focused. When you see the native white color pointer (the one game uses) then you are fine as MSFS is already getting the focus and therefore the rendering priority
But why is the graphics card suddenly much better utilized? The computer fans are turning up! I can also see the increased load in the Task Manager. There are also fewer stutters and a smoother display. Why are the frame rates and individual times per frame specified in the developer mode of MSFS dependent on any active windows? I think the frame rates are calculated directly by the game. All in all, very strange and the answer does not match my comments above. The experience is also the same when MSFS is not in windowed mode!
This is how Windows works and it does the same with all applications In such situation MSFS will run in the background and the GPU will focus priority to render the entire Windows desktop instead. Inside that whole desktop rendering there will be a window where MSFS will be displayed, but it will run at lower rendering priority until game is focused again. There´s no performance gain nor improvement by doing what you do. It´s just placebo. The readings in game come from the GPU directly and they will show the fps value that matches the refresh rate at which desktop is being presented in your monitor (120 fps for 120 Hz for instance), not the real fps that result from game rendering in the background.
Not to highjack your thread, apologies, but I was wondering if this is why my pointer color changes back to white when I open MSFS. Thanks
If you are using a custom pointer color like I do then answer is yes. Game’s pointer is white but also smaller than windows default pointer.
Right you are Geloxo…Thanks