The cockpit lighting is okay, but IIRC the landing and taxi lights point straight down instead of ahead and provide no illumination of the runway.
I really want to rant, but I’ll restrain myself.
I hate how limited Simbrief’s airframe selection is, I hate how BATC requires Simbrief, and I hate that some base aircraft also require Simbrief.
I am SO with you here.
Regarding SimBrief, I would hope they would seriously consider the limitations there.
Regarding BATC, my hope is they are moving in a direction that can/will free them from SimBrief. Their LLM integration is a precursor to VFR support. VFR certainly doesn’t need SimBrief, so perhaps they have a plan that will remove that restriction.
I’m genuinely surprised there isn’t some Community folder aspect to BATC that interfaces with the in-sim flight planner telling it where you’re going.
All of that discussion, however, belongs on the BATC thread.
I’m just thankful to have a solution right now that lets me use MSFS 2024 Free Flight. There is much to like about 2024 and finding a way around my, particular, obstacles has been a welcome reprieve from frustration.
No, my solution isn’t perfect — by a long shot — as I’m restricted to certain aircraft I wouldn’t normally gravitate towards, but that is okay, for now.
I’m trying to meet 2024 where it is right now and that takes compromise. I can do that.
It has nothing to do with performance; bugs are riddled through out the sim. The biggest gripe is we are 2 months after launch and can’t use the majority of the 3rd party high fidelity airliners that core simmers use.
You’re a better man than I. I uninstalled it (again, lol) after the sim crashed on my poor brother in law (three challenges, three crashes preventing finishing them) who was just trying to have some fun with the challenges. I’m burned out on it. 25 hours of play time and I still haven’t even done a full free flight because I’m working on bindings.
I’m also tired of all of the negative feedback going unacknowledged by Asobo. I understand there’s too much to respond to directly, but it’s January 11th and we’ve gotten one dev update and a patch that fixed a thing that broke in the last patch, and that’s it.
I’m starting to agree with the posters demanding answers. We need clear communication and a roadmap, not empty platitudes and PR speak.
I fully understand the communication need.
I know people here say that they will be attacked if what they say isn’t what people want to hear, but they are being attacked anyway.
A short term roadmap would be a welcome way to start reestablishing trust. I fear the standard roadmap of quarterly SUs and all the extras isn’t what we need right now. There are immediate issues that need to be addressed and hearing there is actual progress being made on them (beyond assumptions) with a proposed relief date(s) would go a long way.
I just don’t think that is going to happen. It’s not their way.
I agree. Towing the company line is the order of the day. I’d wager that most people don’t care about free planes or the Brazil world update and just want what they paid for.
It’s strange that they just soldier on and think announcing a world update is a good idea but then the corporate world doesn’t act like a rational human being. When you think about it, most of the worlds problems would disappear if greed did not exist.
I also think a lot of community resentment is the realisation that we are looking at possibly 6 months work or more before it’s in a state where it’s at least usable for most people. No amount of apologising or getting angry at being duped is going to change that fact.
I stayed with FS2020, exactly expecting those kind of problems with 2024.
I wait before buying.
But, ok, it has been bad-tested before launch. Launch should not be made in this state. But I think the launch-date was “coming from top management”, for not missing christmas season.
For Asobo and developers, you say not much has improved since the launch.
I don’t know where you live and work, but around december, nothing happen in much of companies. Holiday seasons, or part of team missing, or company completely closed for one or 2 weeks…
Just sorting out all the bug-reports take week, refinement, analyse the complexity of each bug, setting priorities, just this work take days !!
working on it… testing… prepare an update… take weeks.
So yes, November to January, minus holidays… yes; not much could have been made. sure.
I’m looking at updates for February, not before…
So I plan to buy the 2024 not before march/april.
This was known in advance, right? So back to Square one, why did MS release fs24 end of November, knowing not much time was left in the year.
My two cents, make money in 2024 financial year. Customer do not matter.
yes, this is the main question and the main cause of problems.
Marketing and the need for some immediate cash is the answer.
Well, I tried to be positive.
After the fix for the A320 panels, I actually managed to do a full flight, as long as I ignored ATC and the weird approach route offered by computer. Then, when I tried to exit the flight I had a CTD. It turns out this is totally reproducible for me - set a flight in the EFB, start the flight in the A320, exit the flight and CTD. One bug solved, another bug immediately encountered.
So I did a flight in the TBM out of Alicante in Clear Skies. As well as the horrible washed-out scenery, the anomalous reflections in the windshield once I headed towards the mountains were dreadful, and this combined the diminished fps I now get in VR made the flight too unpleasant to continue with.
So I reverted (as I usually do) to FS2020, doing the same flight in the TBM. I actually welcomed an ATC which was behaving sensibly (relative to FS2024, anyway), I basked in the higher fps I was getting, I enjoyed the vibrant scenery through the windshield. I stayed aloft longer than I had planned just because it was so calming after fighting FS2024.
There are just so many problems with FS2024, I don’t think they know where to start. I don’t think they will ever be fixed - they now have two simulators to maintain, together with the huge number of aircraft needing attention (and new ones promised before the old ones are fixed), and career mode being Jorg’s pet project likely to hog the developer’s time. Looks like FS2020 will be my choice for the foreseeable future.
Reminds me of the time Coca Cola introduced their new version which they were absolutely sure everyone would prefer. Whatever happened to that? (Just looked it up - abandoned in 2002!)
The thing with MSFS 2024 for me is that it seems to run relatively well now that the initial kinks have been rectified. However, it has one massive failing - the streaming of scenery, specifically at an arrival airport.
If the simulator cannot guarantee that I will see a runway, if it cannot guarantee that I will see good scenery, if it cannot guarantee that I will not have a streaming error that causes something not to load while I’m completing my flight, if things pop in a few seconds after they should have, destroying my immersion… why the hell would I invest 2 hours of my time in using the software to simulate a realistic flight?
And therein lies the issue - I want to use the sim, but I don’t trust it because more often than not I’m left with a sour taste in my mouth so I actively choose another simulator instead. (XP12 or 2020).
I feel you,
My scenery doesn’t load fast enough, so it’s always blurred out. Also, I encounter huge lags with standard or third-party aircraft. Especially with third-party aircraft. Control settings are also very uncomfortable to use for example to delete a command I have to go into a sub menu. It’s unnecessarily tedious to do, shadows appear to be flickering and I get CTD in various situations like exiting a flight and going back into the main menu.
This picture was taken in an altitude of 14,000 feet
After what’s happened who is actually going to pay more money when the MP opens? I’m not, I want reliability, I want open communication before I give them another cent
Same, blurry scenery around the aircraft and really irritating fps hiccups and pauses while flying third party aircraft.
If you get into the airliners or fighter jets, the fps and blurry textures are all over the place. I am so disappointed that Asobo is not fixing these issues fast enough - issues that shouldn’t even be in the game. It’s a visual showcase after all, or lack of, so why even release the game with this many issues? Just to get preorders?
The Xbox is turned into a blue box.
MSFS2024 is specialy made for the Xbox with a good result as we can see.
I’am glad that i have no Xbox and MSFS2020 to fly with.
Do a couple of flights then get back to us. Also, are you flying mostly in the busy cities with photogrammetry?
The auto-LOD throttling issue is the worst.
I’ve done many flights, and reinstalls of the sim. 0 improvement
and yes, to your question