MS web based Flightplanner and Cessna 414/Learjet

I cant get the web based MS Flightplanner to load flight plans into the Flysimware 414 or Learjet.Anyone else have success loading FP’s into these 2 aircraft?

I haven’t tried yet because these are 24 native features and the MP versions I own are not 24 compatible as far as I have read. There is no reason for me to expect any of that to work at this time. We are waiting on reverse compatibility of 2020 versions in 24. The 24 features come later, as I understand it.

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Correct the recent patches for these aircraft were to make the them flyable in MS24, but just as with no pilot / passenger showing in outside view, etc. they are not fully integrated with the sim.

No different really than 2020 were some payware would not accept flight plans created on the world map.

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