MSFS 2020 and 2024 parallel or merged installations?

Getting the news about MSFS 2024 the following questions come up:

  • if MSFS 2024 is launched and I will buy it, will I have to uninstall MSFS 2020 first or can I use both simulators on the same PC? Only few customers will have the huge amount of disk space on the system disk for both simulators and I won’t too but until I know, if the new simulator will contain all Asobo aircraft and Asobo sceneries of the 2020 version (including the premium deluxe ones - if I bought that version) I don’t want to uninstall MSFS 2020 for MSFS 2024 and I don’t want to buy again a still more expensive new PC with 4GB + disk space and the latest ultra expensive graphics card…

  • With the community addons I hope, that I can just link it to both simulators but this won’t solve the problems above.

So my conclusion is:
The only would be one real solution for all these problems: To offer an upgrade installation of the new sim for the customer that takes all addons and aircraft of the old sim and marketplace into the new sim without reinstalling that stuff such way, that a double amount of disk space is not necessarily. Sad, that in the current announcement a paid upgrade is denied.
If the community supports the strong wish for an paid upgrade option we probably still have hope for this point…

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This is exactly my worry, if as it has been said , MSFS 2024 is a standalone program then does that mean, like 2020 part of the install will be to my system disk even if I choose to install to a dedicated drive as I do now ie the packages are installed on dedicated disk and symbolic linked from system disk. This would require me to get a bigger system drive and reinstall all that’s on that including Windows, which frankly I don’t want to do. It would be so much easier for a lot of people, me included to have an upgrade option. Its not the new software I’m bothered about, bring on the improvements, and I see both points of the argument for and against 2024 but the potential nightmare of running two simulators in parallel is off putting to say the least and potentially rather expensive. Just my point of view .


You don’t have to install anything on the system disk, so I don’t think you have to worry.

The Windows store part (few GB) can be moved from the app list in windows. The MSFS content folder you can just drag somewhere else and point the game to it when it starts up.

I believe that FS 2024 must be sold as a paid upgrade of MSFS 2020. It is something insane to load the PC with 2 different FS of 300 GB each and different addons and hardware, which may prove extremely costly.

My hope is that I can install the FS2024 base program, and it will migrate everything (aircraft, settings, config files, Community, etc.) from FS2020, then give me an option to keep the old sim or uninstall it. I also hope that any 3rd party addons in Community will seamlessly work in FS2024 without needing upgrades.

We shall see.

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So upon install procedure of MSFS 2020 I had no option to install on an other location than the system drive. As the official folder is as well installed under the personal profile as is encrypted too it is not easy possible to change it’s location to another drive and just link the packages using the addon linker like it is possible with the community folder. MSFS offers no easy option to move the “official” content to an other disc drive. Meanwhile allthough having moved the community stuff away fron C: (using addon linker after doing it) my system drive is 90% full with allmost only Windows and MSFS. I already have installed all programs on D: instead of C: wherever possible.