MSFS 2020 Items Slowly Becoming Available in MSFS 2024 Library

I verified that the FS2020 version of the 787 lets me connect to Simbrief; load weights & balance data for pax, ZFW, fuel and cargo; and the flight plan info including cruise and descent winds. Basically all the great stuff Working Title had added before FS2024 and MS/Asobo’s directive to come up with their own planning tool.

Yes, after dinner I made a SimBrief plan and saved it as a PLN to my computer then uploaded said PLN into 2024.

I did not see cruise speeds or altitudes in the PLN, which precludes its use for VNAV in the 787. These are automatically populated in the new Flight Planner. I really do not know much about how to operate SimBrief.

I tried to save the loaded PLN to the Cloud and got no errors but there was no file there either.

The familiar UNITED livery… had purchased others and should look for them. Running at 54 FPS at altitude… I’ll take that with my 3070ti.

Looked good until the approach where again no ILS/GS and had to try to manually land and was very unresponsive to controls…

When I search in the Marketplace on 787 there are multiple entries many of which seem to be activated. No wonder there is confusion. Need to make a chart… would think this were a job for Microsoft not us.

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With the 787, I believe there are two, the old 2020 version, and the new 2024 version. You can’t have them both at the same time. Be sure of which one you have enabled.


Are you MS Store or Steam user? I am on Steam and FS2020 Premium and Premium Deluxe content are not visible in my MSFS2024

MS Store.

(Ten chars)

You shouldn’t load the PLN file into the FS2020 787. See my earlier screenshots - rather, you should go into the FMC and enter your SImbrief ID and Username. Once you do that, you can go into the FMC to the Weight & Balance page, import your ZFW, Fuel, pax and cargo, and then go into the FMC Route page and import fligth plan from Simbrief directly. After that, you can also load the cruise and descent wings from the Legs and VNAV Descent pages, respectively.

You can go ahead and load that PLN file from the world map if you want in order to get the AI ATC to be aware of your flight and issue instructions accordingly, but the FS2020 787 should use the actual Simbrief plan.

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I am going to put all the items in this post and make sure I have the right one going. There are multiple entries in the “Marketplace”… hopefully the number lines up and do not overlap.

I am concerned because having the ILS not work is a big problem and frankly the plan handles poorly… seems like the flight model may be screwed up (I am a licensed pilot).

This is the first entry (BASE CONTENT) two pages worth one aircraft 2.4.0

After the BASE CONTENT there is (MSFS 2020 Premium and Premium Delux Upgrades with one aircraft 0.1.10):

Finally there is the MSFS 2024 Premium and Premium Delux Upgrades with one aircraft Asobo):

Now the 2024 Asobo is disabled but there are two versions in 2020 it seems: 0.1.10 and Family 2.4.0.

Maybe the "Family needs to be disabled?

What a mess!

I cannot get this to fly from San Jose to San Francisco. No ILS and poor control on landing… throttles do not work… about to give up… is this the right place “Boeing 787-Dreamliner”:

I cannot disable the 2024 “family” entry. Looks like I need to go back to the 2024 version alone and disable the 2020.

This I really need to step back for 6 months on this and see if the developers can do anything… the silence from them here speaks volumes.

Is there anyone here who purchased Aerosoft EBBR from the marketplace and has been able to activate it in their 2024 library?

I just reached out to support about not being able to activate it even though Aerosoft confirmed compatibility and they told me no one who purchased it from the marketplace can enable it right now, so just wanted to check if that’s true. Thanks!

I have done a lot of research on the 787 versions and filed a detailed bug report showing the positives and negatives. Please chime in as appropriate:

I have Aerosoft’s EBBR although not from the marketplace. Just writing to confirm that it is definitely 2024 compatible - I bought it through ORBX and has been available from them as updated for 2024 for quite a few weeks now. Cheers!

Dont worry about the [airplane] Family packs in the BASE CONTENT.

If i remember correctly, you’re looking at the pack containing the AI traffic model of the 787. The rest are just the liveries for that AI model.
That’s likely the reason why it cant be disabled… the sim needs it. :wink:

This applies to several other addons too.
The devs confirming compability does not equal automatic availability in the 2024 content. The later is activated by MS, and it follows a process flow which is not known outside of MS.

Thanks for the comment. I have worked up the issue in detail:

This post shows how the “family” cannot be disabled but the 2020 version can work well but requires a lot of care and feeding on flight planning.

I have little good to say about the 2024 version starting with the blurry cockpit.

The former can be enables and the later disabled.

nearly 2 months post release I am still missing

Only 1 airplane- Bravo Air 787-9

Many liveries- not itemized

many airports:

  • fly Tampa Vegas , as we all are. and FT is not replying to support tickets…
  • epkk
  • Mallorca
  • kboi
  • kdpa (was turned ON but now Msobo turned it OFF again)
  • kewy
  • kfll
  • kyyk
  • klax
  • klot
  • kmsy
  • knkx
  • korf
  • ksuu
  • Miami city skyline
  • sam US cities
  • st louis bridges

every few days I turn on FS2024, not to play it due to the issues, but to see if more transfers are completed, but no. it’s been weeks since more items came back. so much for the promise of virtually all items will show up at launch. very frustrating having this ON OFF ON OFF cycle. im hoping when the MP opens, things will get permanent.

I’m pretty sure that’s what we’re going to have to wait for. No idea when that will happen but all of the issues with addons should go away once the Marketplace is up and running for 2024.

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Please dont hype the launch of the 2024 Marketplace as a solve-it-all… So many people hyped the launch of msfs2024, and look how it went.
The sim needs time to mature. And it will gradually grow into an amazing sim.

All of the addon issues will not go away with the launch of the marketplace.
The marketplace will need time to mature too. It will be fantastic too one day… but that wont be day 1.

Stay realistic, or get disappointed.

I’ve noticed I’m starting to do that too this week. :smile: Really looking forward to getting that message about new transfers having syncronized.
We’re still feeling the effects of the closed offices during holiday season. Should recover shortly.

It is frustrating as alot of things were promised for Day 1. So I’ve gone back to playing the new Indiana Jones game. That was ready day 1

Oh yes! The Indy game is amazing! Love it too! Really polished!