Msfs 2024 Alpha Insider Program

Any chance we will have an open alpha testing phase prior to release?


we are already alpha- beta testers of the msfs2024 since the msfs2020 was released. they didn’t tell us though




Your Graphic is the whole reason there was a large gap in the Flight Simming Market until Microsoft having dipped there toe in once or twice before to try and get it going again used Asobo to kickstart it for them.

To many products doing to many similar things and not much new from version to version other than the cost went up, the graphics improved and whatever else Microsoft could use to persuade you to buy the latest version. But you knew what to expect.

MSFS 2020 comes along with huge fanfare and a whole raft of promises, but no mention of any replacement, just improvements and road map after road map as we still wait for basic things like classic views and a working replay facility.

I would never have bought the Premium Deluxe Version if i knew this was going to happen, I doubt many would, and I suspect Asobo knows it as well which is why none of this has ever been mentioned before.

Already the Asobo fan club are lining up to defend them, I have already read comments such as, “yes they promised you support for MSFS 2020 but they did not specify what kind of support” Again Road map after Road Map specified what kind of support as did all the, this is the development route were taking notes.

There is no way in the world Asobo are going to continue that level of support for MSFS 2020 now they have confirmed its replacement will be a standalone product and no upgrade path will be offered to MSFS 2020 owners.

I honestly think after what Asobo have said and promised in the past, that a complete replacement of MSFS2020 is marketing suicide, but after the PR mess they made when the XBOX version was introduced and forced the PC version backwards, i am no longer suprised.


You’re totally missing the point, and skewing the history of how this technology has always been developed. This has nothing to do with fanbois or white knights or whatever. It is what it is, complex technology.

It doesn’t matter that a couple of the versions flopped in that 40 year period (Windows ME and Windows 8 did too), MSFS (2020) has been in dev since 2014, it’s 10 years old by the time they release MSFS 2024.
They basically jump started it with FSX code base, which you can see in the SDK.
There were good reasons for that, and it worked well for some stuff, not for others.

Making a new sim version based on 8 years of learning is not a bad thing to do.
They can get maybe 10 years out of that if they do it right this time, doubtful MSFS 2020 will last another 5 given the issues they know about now. Then they’ll have to do it anyway. Planning projects like this is not trivial, and a lot of risk, but it’s also technically cutting edge. MSFS has always pushed technical boundaries from V1.

They’re redeveloping some of the core systems.

It’s possible to do that, yet keep the interfaces above that level the same and add to them for the new sim, as well as utilise the same network infrastructure with enhancements to the streaming protocols etc. That way old content still works as it conforms to the old interface, and new content has additional features available and better fidelity due to the newer engine underlying it all.

Retrofitting all that to an older architecture is the big problem, so don’t. It’s how technology works.
You can refactor to a point, and then you have to reengineer. When you’re looking at supporting something long term, you need to consider how long the current architecture plus the subsystems can be held togther with gaffer tape and wire, if you just keep patching it. MSFS 2020 is now ~9 years old, if not in actual code then in design concepts. They’ve learned a lot since it was launched live as well.

Nobody knows what/if they will offer, but aren’t you forgetting the 20x free updates since MSFS was officially launched?


a new sim and a new sim are two completely different things at opposing ends of the scale, FS2024 is one and NOT the other, as if it was the other there would be functionally little support for anything FS2020, for significant parts of FS2020 add-on functionality to remain then significant parts of FS2024 must be the same as FS2020.

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Good point, corrected mine to “a new sim version” which is more accurate.

They literally say as much " Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 is powered by the significantly evolved Asobo Studio engine." Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024: The Next Generation of the Legendary Franchise - Microsoft Flight Simulator

It’s not rocket science, it’s computer science.

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Good points Sir, and its nice to see reasoned debate and not all out attack when someone states they may not agree with what Asobo are doing.

End of the day your right, like any software it has a shelf life and there comes a point where replacing is the better option.

I will still need a lot of arm twisting to shell out another $179 Aud though. :slight_smile:


I’m Australian too, that’s cur😂