MSFS 2024 disastrous release puts me near quitting sim flying

Don’t leave this fantastic world…im missing so many FS 2020…simply I’m returning on that…so my advice is do the same…and if will be better return to FS 2024 after at least two years :slight_smile:

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I think there is Victory in the Air!

Thanks for the disabling software reference forgot how many I had purchased, but following advice I turned back ALL settings to minimal and removed all 4 of my add ons and MSFS 2040 ran like greased lightening on my 3070ti :slight_smile:

Here are the settings on the far left.

The speeds and VRAM usuage on top.

As you move from L to R I added in three of the add-on for bridges that are really needed and then increased the settings gradually one by one (I am a programmer). I found that I could run this quickly from San Jose to San Franciso for testing.

Anyhow, if I kept the VRAM usage under 6.5 I was goods for > 60 FPS. I was able to get the relevant settings to make it look reasonable.

I think the biggest culprit was texture resolution, which is really unnecessary at high levels… High building details also did not help.

Anyway, this is running a TLOD and OLOD fixed at 100. 50 looked crummy but this is OK.

There are ways that TLOD may be adjusted in real time, but these values I fixed for the testing.

Thanks for the help/encouragement. Happy it works with the clouds on ULTRA.


Great. Now if you add DLSS4 you should see an extra quality boost, and maybe performance (depends). At least I am on my old beater of an RTX 2060. I run it at peformance and it looks great at 2K and VR. Software like DLSS (4 especially now with sharper quality) and OPENXR Toolkit have done wonders for old hardware.

I recommend using DLSS swapper + NVidia Profile Inspector with Preset K.
This post download has all you need: New 'DLSS 4' (v310.1) is amazing in VR - #330 by Ianrivsmith
Note: DLSSSwapper doesn’t add the nvngx_dlssd.dll, but that’s included in the zip file in link above so you can drop it into the MSFS folder.
That thread has more details or ask questions there. I do not recommend the NVidia app.

In other news my PC updated to 24H2 which I was going to avoid due to issues it seems to have, but I just did a session in MSFS 2024 and all good, with DLSS4 as well. I have to shut down every other app to free up max VRAM as I only have 6GB and MSFS certainly doesn’t like it when your VRAM gets close to about 85% used, it starts getting very twitchy about there.

Gotta use what you have to best effect imo, not what you’d like to have, and that does take a bit of focused settings testing and tweaking.

I can use clouds on Ultra too, and they do look good.
I ran a lot of TLOD/OLOD tests all the way to max, and 100 is a good tradeoff balance of visuals/performance.

Good luck!

Tip: You can get away with 30fps for most flight sim situations. Seriously, it’s fine. Unless you’re doing low level luge type flying, you don’t really need more than 30fps. It’s not simracing (which I also do).
I have a GSync 144hz 2k monitor, but locking it to 60hz refresh then using 50% refresh in MSFS settings with Vsync On means you can use those other frames for pushing your settings up. I’d rather have higher settings locked to 30fps, than higher VRR with lower quality, so works for me!
For MSFS development I use Low preset with 33% Refresh, and can run VSCODE + Debug apps alongside MSFS just fine even on a 6GB GPU.

Tip2: If I’m competing in challenge mode I’ll use low preset at 50% or 100% refresh for max performance/latency, as the challenge locations can be especially taxing at high speed/low level due to the higher resolution DEM/Scenery. Lowest latency would be with VRR but there’s not that much in for me, so I don’t bother as it’s more clicks to switch things around.

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Well thanks very much for decrypting these fine points. I have DLSS4 running already in my desperation to get the system to work. I see there is a new NVIDIA driver out but I am going to pass on that for a while as I have removed the NVIDIA app again in desperation and I think it may clobber the DLSS4 dll.

I did all those changes manually since I was a little scared of the additional software. I should read on it as I have so much installed already.

My monitor is a BENQ 4k calibrated monitor that I use for astrophotography. Think it runs at 60hz. I see where you say that maybe if I ran it at 30hz with Vsync I would have extra cycles to upgrade the quality of the image. Have to read that carefully… use TLOD of 150 not 100.

I am happy with running TLOD and OLOD at 100… higher levels slow it down on the runway. To be revisited.

After all this work I went over my milk run from Reno to SFO in full screen and ULTRA clouds. We have a front coming through and I flew at 17000’ I used to fly a Cessna 210 and we would get between layers like this. Pretty realistic.

The wall of clouds coming up over the Sierra Nevada:

Between layers:

SebastianJ7210… what I can see as many MSFS2024 is a dead Horse now theres no way they can put it right. we have been taken as Fools absolutely and they have took our money and left us. its WRONG. I also see that and heard off many that Blackshark who worked with MSFS2020 has left them so dont this prove something. we have lost a big Development company who worked so hard. And if you look on the start up on MSFS2024 You can see developers are dropping like Flys. They have washed there hands with MSFS2024 its an absolute Disgrace what MSFS and Asobo have done to all its customers…I will never Trust them again thats Final.


Disasterous release.

The Handley Page Halifax III. Four Rolls Merlin engines by mid 1942.
It was never a totally reliable aeroplane.

Serial No. W1225, 103 Squadron, Elsham Wolds.

FIRST flight over enemy territory. Evening 6th August 1942. Duisburg.

Something happened which caused the aeroplane to crash into the river Humber, 9 miles from home. 7th August 1942.

All seven crew killed.

Beaupre ( Canadian )

One of these was my Uncle.

God bless then all.

Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 keeps crashing, but you are still alive :rage:

I have 2020 and 2024 installed. I open 2024 to see if there are any updates, then close it when I see there are none. Then I open 2020 and restart an old bush trip. Would be nice if 2024 had some bush trips. With almost 1000 hours of flight time in 2020 and a moderate comfort level with most aircraft, I am not interested in restarting a rookie level with each new sim that is launched. Just let us fly. And yes, I have done free flights, but the new preflight prep doesn’t seem to work very well. Zooms in sometimes, but not always. Frustrating mostly. Just let us fly… Discovery flights are ok, but mostly boring.


Could not agree more. Not only there are no more bushtrips, but no mission is available out of career mode, which means that half of the sim (basically the entire video intro) is unavailable. This wasn’t mentioned anywhere as far as I remember before release. Came to me as a surprise, a very nasty one.


I also can’t agree more, I was so hyped and ready for the next big update but it’s been one massive disappointment and feels like a :fu:t2: to the community.


I agree 2024 is a hot mess (mentioned that more than once) but it’s more than useable atm for certain scenarios, like exploration/bush flying/VFR, and the experience as stock is beyond 2020 by far.

I’m running a 7 year old 3700x PC with an RTX 2060 6gb VRAM btw, and it still looks and runs great @ 2K with appropriate optimisation settings.


You serious? I’ve played plenty other sims, most were worse than MSFS24 at launch or just generally. I think people aren’t really paying attention to how well the underlying sim works.


For now MSFS 2024 does not work for me, even re-install with Xbox app on PC . Found no solution. In short a disappointment.
Therefore I use XPLANE 12, which is more easy to install /use and is sufficient for me.


I just knew the new simulator had the wrong developers and was going in a bad direction when the MSFS 2020 “Dune” add on came out. It made the direction of the sim go in a “game oriented” direction. The writing was on the wall at that point. As mentioned prior, the people who make decisions are always looking for more cash to line their pockets. What they fail to realize is that casual gamers quickly get tired of a game and move on. In the long run, corporations lose big time when they cross their serious fan base. These are the ones who purchase high-priced add-ons, but will eventually leave due to the product they were used to enjoying getting watered down for the sake of a short term financial windfall from x box users. They are also sticking it to their so-called “partner” companies when their sales dwindle due to disinterest from once high spending fans of the original direction of the flight simulator franchise. MSFS 2024 is the “New Coke” debacle, if you are old enough to remember that.


No, you mean fromcasual players using gaming PCs too. Many players use PCs to play games on, you know.

I have no idea what you mean by “casual” but as an ex PC player (mid range) who bought an Xbox Series X because I couldn’t afford a new gaming PC rig, I’m a “casual” 1600 hour (ish) virtual pilot.

I get fed up hearing people who suggest that they are part of an elite band of serious simulator users because they own a high end expensive PC gaming machine ( which has absolutely nothing do do with whether you are a “serious” or “casual” user. An Xbox is just a cut-down version of your rig that delivers an affordable platform for many high hours simulator pilots….


That you can’t expand, and can’t use the majority of flight sim hardware out there. The platform doesn’t make you casual, but it may be fair to say that there are more casual players on console than there are on PC. If you get bitten by the flight sim bug, and want to expand your horizons with panels, and other hardware, a move to PC is the next natural step.


I think it would be fairer to suggest that we have a big mix of different types of sim user across both platforms.- Xbox and PC. Our voices should all have equal weight.


True enough, but don’t conflate the user with the platform.

The consoles are most assuredly not equal. I suspect the very reason we have 2024 is because they could not eek out any more performance from 2020 to get it to work on the current batch of consoles. The upheaval we currently experience is due to this refactoring.

PC users have challenges with the sim because of design decisions made that favour the console version, some challenges that have been there for a very long time, and bewilderingly have not even been acknowledged let alone addressed.

Yet for me at least there is no viable alternative, so we are on this journey together. :slight_smile:

I think this may be relevant to the situation:


Also amazing mods we can throw into the community folder. Something Xbox users may never be able to do…unfortunately.


What a bunch of nonsense. The Dune add-on was a one-off MSFS 2020 promo with zero impact on the sim’s core realism. The idea that serious simmers will abandon the platform is baloney… MSFS 2024 is the most advanced flight simulator ever made, it just has s ■■■■ load of bugs atm which will get worked out. You could not be more wrong regarding third-party developers… they’re getting more tools and opportunities than ever before.


A flight sim can have elements for serious simmers and aspects for casual gamers all in the same application, without detrimental impact to either. I do not regard Dune, or any aspect of MSFS2024’s design having an impact on serious sim users, or casual gamers.

What will impact both groups, is the awful state in which MSFS2024 was released in and how long it takes before it becomes usable without users encountering a ridiculous number of bugs.